Code documentation

Util functions

Module data_parser

This module defines all functions to convert formats between EPA and MVS - Define similar parameters mapping between the EPA and MVS in MAP_EPA_MVS and MAP_MVS_EPA - Define which fields are expected in asset list of EPA for various assets’ groups in EPA_ASSET_KEYS - Convert MVS to EPA - Convert EPA to MVS


Convert the EPA output parameters to MVS input parameters


epa_dict (dict) – parameters from EPA user interface


dict_values – MVS json file, generated from EPA inputs, to be provided as MVS input

Return type



  • For simulation_settings:
    • parameter TIMESTEP is parsed as unit-value pair

    • OUTPUT_LP_FILE always False

  • For project_data: parameter SCENARIO_DESCRIPTION is defined as placeholder string.

  • fix_cost is not required, default value will be set if it is not provided.

  • For missing asset group CONSTRAINTS following parameters are added:



  • ENERGY_STORAGE assets:
    • Optimize cap written to main asset and removed from subassets

    • Units defined automatically (assumed: electricity system)

    • SOC_INITIAL: None



  • If TIMESERIES parameter in asset dictionary: Redefine unit, value and label.

    • Auto-define unit as kWh(el)


    • Default value for EMISSION_FACTOR added

    • DSM is False


    • Default value for EMISSION_FACTOR added

    • DISPATCHABILITY is always False, as no dispatchable fuel assets possible right now. Must be tackeld by EPA.

multi_vector_simulator.utils.data_parser.convert_mvs_params_to_epa(mvs_dict, verbatim=False)

Convert the MVS output parameters to EPA format


mvs_dict (dict) – output parameters from MVS


epa_dict – epa parameters

Return type


Helper functions

Util functions that are useful throughout the MVS

Including: - find_valvue_by_key(): Finds value of a key in a nested dictionary.

multi_vector_simulator.utils.helpers.find_value_by_key(data, target, result=None)

Finds value of a key in a nested dictionary.

  • data (dict) – Dict to be searched for target key

  • target (str) – Key for which the value should be found in data

  • result (None, value or list) – Only provided if function loops in itself


  • value if the key is only once in data

  • list of values if it appears multiple times.

multi_vector_simulator.utils.helpers.translates_epa_strings_to_mvs_readable(folder_name, file_name)

This function translates the json file generated by the EPA to a file readable by the MVS. This is necessary as there are some parameter names whose string representative differs in both tools.

  • folder_name (path) – Path to the folder with the json file

  • file_name (json file name with extension) – Json to be converted


  • Stores converted json file to current dict

  • Usageimport multi_vector_simulator.utils.helpers as helpers helpers.translates_epa_strings_to_mvs_readable(“./epa_benchmark”, “epa_benchmark.json-original”)


Module A0 - Initialization

Module A0_initialization defines functions to parse user inputs to the MVS simulation.
  • Display welcome message with current version number

  • Parse command line arguments and set default values for MVS parameters if not provided

  • Check that all necessary files and folder exist

  • Create output directory

  • Define screen logging depth

Usage from root of repository:

python [-h] [-i [PATH_INPUT_FOLDER]] [-ext [{json,csv}]] [-o [PATH_OUTPUT_FOLDER]]
[-log [{debug,info,error,warning}]] [-f [OVERWRITE]] [-pdf [PDF_REPORT]] [-png [SAVE_PNG]]

Usage when multi-vector-simulator is installed as a package:

mvs_tool [-h] [-i [PATH_INPUT_FOLDER]] [-ext [{json,csv}]] [-o [PATH_OUTPUT_FOLDER]]
[-log [{debug,info,error,warning}]] [-f [OVERWRITE]] [-pdf [PDF_REPORT]] [-png [SAVE_PNG]]

Process MVS arguments

optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit


path to the input folder

-ext [{json,csv}]

type (json or csv) of the input files (default: ‘json’)


path to the output folder for the simulation’s results

-log [{debug,info,error,warning}]

level of logging in the console


overwrite the output folder if True (default: False)


generate a pdf report of the simulation if True (default: False)

-png [SAVE_PNG]

generate png figures of the simulation in the output_folder if True (default: False)

multi_vector_simulator.A0_initialization.check_input_folder(path_input_folder, input_type)

Enforces the rules for the input folder and files

There should be a single json file for config (described under JSON_FNAME) in case input_type is equal to JSON_EXT. There should be a folder with csv files (name of folder given by CSV_ELEMENTS) in case input_type is equal to CSV_EXT.

  • path_input_folder – path to input folder

  • input_type – of of JSON_EXT or CSV_EXT


the json filename which will be used as input of the simulation

multi_vector_simulator.A0_initialization.check_output_folder(path_input_folder, path_output_folder, overwrite)

Enforces the rules for the output folder

An error is raised if the path_output_folder already exists, unless overwrite is set to True. The path_output_folder is created if not existing and the content of path_input_folder is copied in a folder named INPUTS_COPY.

  • path_input_folder – path to input folder

  • path_output_folder – path to output folder

  • overwrite – boolean indicating what to do if the output folder exists already


the path to the folder stored in the output folder as copy of the input folder


Create a command line argument parser for MVS

Usage from root of repository:

python [-h] [-i [PATH_INPUT_FOLDER]] [-ext [{json,csv}]] [-o [PATH_OUTPUT_FOLDER]]
[-log [{debug,info,error,warning}]] [-f [OVERWRITE]] [-pdf [PDF_REPORT]] [-png [SAVE_PNG]]

Usage when multi-vector-simulator is installed as a package:

mvs_tool [-h] [-i [PATH_INPUT_FOLDER]] [-ext [{json,csv}]] [-o [PATH_OUTPUT_FOLDER]]
[-log [{debug,info,error,warning}]] [-f [OVERWRITE]] [-pdf [PDF_REPORT]] [-png [SAVE_PNG]]

Process MVS arguments

optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit


path to the input folder

-ext [{json,csv}]

type (json or csv) of the input files (default: ‘json’)


path to the output folder for the simulation’s results

-log [{debug,info,error,warning}]

level of logging in the console


overwrite the output folder if True (default: False)


generate a pdf report of the simulation if True (default: False)

-png [SAVE_PNG]

generate png figures of the simulation in the output_folder if True (default: False)


show program’s version number and exit



multi_vector_simulator.A0_initialization.process_user_arguments(path_input_folder=None, input_type=None, path_output_folder=None, overwrite=None, pdf_report=None, display_output=None, save_png=None, lp_file_output=False, welcome_text=None)

Process user command from terminal inputs. If inputs provided as arguments of the function, they will overwrite the command line arguments.

  • path_input_folder – Describes path to inputs folder (command line “-i”)

  • input_type – Describes type of input to expect (command line “-ext”)

  • path_output_folder – Describes path to folder to be used for terminal output (command line “-o”) Must not exist before

  • overwrite – (Optional) Can force tool to replace existing output folder (command line “-f”)

  • pdf_report – (Optional) Can generate an automatic pdf report of the simulation’s results (Command line “-pdf”)

  • save_png – (Optional) Can generate png figures with the simulation’s results (Command line “-png”)

  • display_output – (Optional) Determines which messages are used for terminal output (command line “-log”) Allowed values are “debug”: All logging messages, “info”: All informative messages and warnings (default), “warning”: All warnings, “error”: Only errors,

  • lp_file_output – Save linear equation system generated as lp file

  • welcome_text – Text to be displayed


a dict with these arguments as keys (except welcome_text which is replaced by label)


Create a command line argument parser for MVS

Usage when multi-vector-simulator is installed as a package:

mvs_report [-h] [-i [PATH_SIM_OUTPUT]] [-o [REPORT_PATH]] [-pdf]

Process mvs report command line arguments

optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit


print the report as pdf (default: False)


path to the simulation result json file ‘json_with_results.json’


path to save the pdf report



Module A1 - Csv to json

Convert csv files to json file as input for the simulation.

The default input csv files are stored in “/inputs/elements/csv”. Otherwise their path is provided by the user.

The user can change parameters of the simulation of of the energy system in the csv files.

Storage: The “energyStorage.csv” contains information about all storages. For each storage there needs to be another file named exactly after each storage-column in the “energyStorage.csv” file. For the default file this is “storage_01”, “storage_02” etc. Please stick to this convention.

The function “create_input_json()” reads all csv files that are stored in the given input folder (input_directory) and creates one json input file for mvs_tool.

Functions of this module (that need to be tested) - read all necessary input files (REQUIRED_CSV_FILES) from input folder - display error message if CSV_FNAME already in input folder - read all parameters in from csv files - parse parameter that is given as a timeseries with input file name and header - parse parameter that is given as a list

  • check that parameter that is given as a list results and subsequent other parameters to be given as list e.g. if we have two output flows in conversion assets there should be two efficiencies to operational costs (this is not implemented in code yet)

  • only necessary parameters should be transferred to json dict, error message with additonal parameters

  • parse data from csv according to intended types - string, boolean, float, int, dict, list!

multi_vector_simulator.A1_csv_to_json.add_storage_components(storage_filename, input_directory, storage_label)

Creates json dict from storage csv.

Loads the csv of a the specific storage listed as column in “energyStorage.csv”, checks for complete set of parameters, adds a label and creates a json dictionary.

  • storage_filename (str) – file name excl. extension, given by the parameter ‘file_name` in “energyStorage.csv

  • input_directory (str) – path to the input directory where storage_filename is located

  • storage_label (str) – Label of storage


Tested with: - test_add_storage_components_label_correctly_added()


dictionary containing the storage parameters

Return type



Checks that the storage file name defined in energyStorage.csv has ending .csv.


storage_file (str) – Defined storage file name


  • If test fails (MissingCsvEndingError(ValueError), else:)

  • storage_file (str) – Storage file name without ending ‘.csv’

multi_vector_simulator.A1_csv_to_json.conversion(value, asset_dict, row, param, asset, filename='')

This function converts the input given in the csv to the dict used in the MVS.

When using json files, they are already provided parsed like this functions output.

  • value (Misc.) – Value to be parsed

  • asset_dict (dict) – Dict of asset that is to be filled with data

  • row

  • param (str) – Parameter that is currently parsed

  • asset

  • filename

multi_vector_simulator.A1_csv_to_json.create_input_json(input_directory, pass_back=True)

Convert csv files to json file as input for the simulation.

Looks at all csv-files in input_directory and compile the information they contain into a json file. The json file is then saved within the input_directory with the filename CSV_FNAME. While reading the csv files, it is checked, whether all required parameters for each component are provided. Missing parameters will return a warning message.

  • input_directory – path of the directory where the input csv files can be found

  • str – path of the directory where the input csv files can be found

  • pass_back – if True the final json dict is returned. Otherwise it is only saved

  • bool – if True the final json dict is returned. Otherwise it is only saved

  • optional – if True the final json dict is returned. Otherwise it is only saved


Return type

None or dict

multi_vector_simulator.A1_csv_to_json.create_json_from_csv(input_directory, filename, parameters=None, asset_is_a_storage=False)

One csv file is loaded and it’s parameters are checked. The csv file is then converted to a dictionary; the name of the csv file is used as the main key of the dictionary. Exceptions are made for the files [“economic_data”, “project”, “project_data”, “simulation_settings”, “constraints”], here no main key is added. Another exception is made for the file “energyStorage”. When this file is processed, the according “storage” files (names of the “storage” columns in “energyStorage” are called and added to the energyStorage Dictionary.

  • input_directory (str) – path of the directory where the input csv files can be found

  • filename (str) – name of the input file that is transformed into a json, without extension

  • parameters (list) – List of parameters names that are required

  • asset_is_a_storage (bool) – default value is False. If the function is called by add_storage_components() the parameter is set to True


the converted dictionary

Return type



Tested with: - test_default_values_storage_without_thermal_losses() - test_default_values_storage_with_thermal_losses()

Data input

Module B0 - Data input json

multi_vector_simulator.B0_data_input_json.convert_from_json_to_special_types(a_dict, prev_key=None, time_index=None)

Convert the field values of the mvs result json file which are not simple types.

The function is recursive to explore all nested levels

  • a_dict (variable) – In the recursion, this is either a dict (moving down one nesting level) or a field value

  • prev_key (str) – The previous key of the dict in the recursive loop


  • The original dictionary, with the serialized instances of pandas.Series,

  • pandas.DatetimeIndex, pandas.DataFrame, numpy.array converted back to their original form


This converts all data stored in dict_values that is not compatible with the json format to a format that is compatible.


o – Any type. Object to be converted to json-storable value.


json-storable value.

Return type


multi_vector_simulator.B0_data_input_json.load_json(path_input_file, path_input_folder=None, path_output_folder=None, move_copy=False, flag_missing_values=True, set_default_values=False)

Opens and reads json input file and parses it to dict of input parameters.

  • path_input_file (str) – The path to the json file created from csv files

  • path_input_folder (str, optional) – The path to the directory where the input CSVs/JSON files are located. Default: ‘inputs/’.

  • path_output_folder (str, optional) – The path to the directory where the results of the simulation such as the plots, time series, results JSON files are saved by MVS E-Lands. Default: ‘MVS_outputs/’

  • move_copy (bool, optional) – if this is set to True, the path_input_file will be moved to the path_output_folder Default: False

  • flag_missing_values (bool) – if True, raise MissingParameterError for each missing required parameter

  • set_default_values (bool) – if True, set the default value of a missing required parameter which is listed in KNOWN_EXTRA_PARAMETERS


Return type

dict of all input parameters of the MVS E-Lands simulation


Updates simulation settings by all time-related parameters. - START_DATE - END_DATE - TIME_INDEX - PERIODS


simulation_settings (dict) – Simulation parameters of the input data


Return type

Update simulation_settings by start date, end date, timeindex, and number of simulation periods


Function tested with test_retrieve_datetimeindex_for_simulation()

Data pre-processing and validity checks

Module C0 - Data processing

Module C0 prepares the data read from csv or json for simulation, ie. pre-processes it. - Verify input values with C1 - Identify energyVectors and write them to project_data/sectors - Create an excess sink for each bus - Process start_date/simulation_duration to pd.datatimeindex (future: Also consider timesteplenghts) - Add economic parameters to json with C2 - Calculate “simulation annuity” used in oemof model - Add demand sinks to energyVectors (this should actually be changed and demand sinks should be added to bus relative to input_direction, also see issue #179) - Translate input_directions/output_directions to bus names - Add missing cost data to automatically generated objects (eg. DSO transformers) - Read timeseries of assets and store into json (differ between one-column csv, multi-column csv) - Read timeseries for parameter of an asset, eg. efficiency - Parse list of inputs/outputs, eg. for chp - Define dso sinks, sources, transformer stations (this will be changed due to bug #119), also for peak demand pricing - Add a source if a conversion object is connected to a new input_direction (bug #186) - Define all necessary energyBusses and add all assets that are connected to them specifically with asset name and label - Multiply maximumCap of non-dispatchable sources by max(timeseries(kWh/kWp)) as the maximumCap is limiting the flow but we want to limit the installed capacity (see issue #446)

multi_vector_simulator.C0_data_processing.add_a_transformer_for_each_peak_demand_pricing_period(dict_values, dict_dso, dict_availability_timeseries)

Adds transformers that are supposed to model the peak_demand_pricing periods for each period. This is changed compared to MVS 0.3.0, as there a peak demand pricing period was added by adding a source, not a transformer.

  • dict_values (dict) – dict with all simulation parameters

  • dict_dso (dict) – dict with all info on the specific dso at hand

  • dict_availability_timeseries (dict) – dict with all availability timeseries for each period


  • list_of_dso_energyConversion_assets (list) – List of names of newly added energy conversion assets,

  • Updated dict_values with a transformer for each peak demand pricing period


Tested by: - C0.test_add_a_transformer_for_each_peak_demand_pricing_period_1_period - C0.test_add_a_transformer_for_each_peak_demand_pricing_period_2_periods

multi_vector_simulator.C0_data_processing.add_asset_to_asset_dict_for_each_flow_direction(dict_values, dict_asset, asset_key)

Add asset to the asset dict of the busses connected to the INPUT_DIRECTION and OUTPUT_DIRECTION of the asset.

  • dict_values (dict) – All simulation information

  • dict_asset (dict) – All information of the current asset

  • asset_key (str) – Key that calls the dict_asset from dict_values[asset_group][key]


Return type

Updated dict_values, with dict_values[ENERGY_BUSSES] now including asset dictionaries for each asset connected to a bus.


Tested with: - C0.test_add_asset_to_asset_dict_for_each_flow_direction()

multi_vector_simulator.C0_data_processing.add_asset_to_asset_dict_of_bus(bus, dict_values, asset_key, asset_label)

Adds asset key and label to a bus defined by energyBusses.csv Sends an error message if the bus was not included in energyBusses.csv

  • dict_values (dict) – Dict of all simulation parameters

  • bus (str) – A bus label

  • asset_key (str) – Key with with an dict_asset would be called from dict_values[groups][key]

  • asset_label (str) – Label of the asset


  • Updated dict_values[ENERGY_BUSSES] by adding an asset to the busses` ASSET DICT

  • EnergyBusses now has following keys (LABEL, ENERGY_VECTOR, ASSET_DICT)


Tested with: - C0.test_add_asset_to_asset_dict_of_bus() - C0.test_add_asset_to_asset_dict_of_bus_ValueError()


This function adds the assets of the different asset groups to the asset dict of ENERGY_BUSSES. The asset groups are: ENERGY_CONVERSION, ENERGY_PRODUCTION, ENERGY_CONSUMPTION, ENERGY_PROVIDERS, ENERGY_STORAGE


dict_values (dict) – Dictionary with all simulation information


Return type

Extends dict_values[ENERGY_BUSSES] by an asset_dict that includes all connected assets.


Tested with: - C0.test_add_assets_to_asset_dict_of_connected_busses()


Update economic parameters with annuity factor and CRF


economic_parameters (dict) – Economic parameters of the simulation


Return type

Updated economic parameters


Function tested with test_add_economic_parameters()


Add version number to simulation settings


simulation_settings (dict) – Dict of simulation settings


  • Updated dict simulation_settings with VERSION_NUM equal to local version number.

  • This version number will be added to the json output files.

  • The automatic report generated in F0 references the version number and date on its own accord.


Function executing all pre-processing steps necessary :param dict_values All input data in dict format

:return Pre-processed dictionary with all input parameters

multi_vector_simulator.C0_data_processing.apply_function_to_single_or_list(function, parameter, **kwargs)

Applies function to a paramter or to a list of parameters and returns resut

  • function (func) – Function to be applied to a parameter

  • parameter (float/str/boolean or list) – Parameter, either float/str/boolean or list to be evaluated

  • kwargs – Miscellaneous arguments for function to be called


Return type

Processed parameter (single) or list of processed para<meters

multi_vector_simulator.C0_data_processing.change_sign_of_feedin_tariff(dict_feedin_tariff, dso)

Change the sign of the feed-in tariff. Additionally, prints a logging.warning in case of the feed-in tariff is entered as negative value in ‘energyProviders.csv’.

#todo This only works if the feedin tariff is not defined as a timeseries :param dict_feedin_tariff: Dict of feedin tariff with Unit-value pair :type dict_feedin_tariff: dict :param dso: Name of the energy provider :type dso: str


dict_feedin_tariff – Dict of feedin tariff, to be used as input to C0.define_sink

Return type



Tested with: - C0.test_change_sign_of_feedin_tariff_positive_value() - C0.test_change_sign_of_feedin_tariff_negative_value() - C0.test_change_sign_of_feedin_tariff_zero()


Compute peak, aggregation, average and normalize timeseries


dict_asset (dict) – dict of all asset parameters, must contain TIMESERIES key


  • None


  • to dict_asset


Function tested with - C0.test_compute_timeseries_properties_TIMESERIES_in_dict_asset() - C0.test_compute_timeseries_properties_TIMESERIES_not_in_dict_asset()

multi_vector_simulator.C0_data_processing.define_auxiliary_assets_of_energy_providers(dict_values, dso)

Defines all sinks and sources that need to be added to model the transformer using assets of energyConsumption, energyProduction and energyConversion.

  • dict_values

  • dso


Return type

Updated dict_values


This function is tested with following pytests: - C0.test_define_auxiliary_assets_of_energy_providers() - C0.test_determine_months_in_a_peak_demand_pricing_period_not_valid() - C0.test_determine_months_in_a_peak_demand_pricing_period_valid() - C0.test_define_availability_of_peak_demand_pricing_assets_yearly() - C0.test_define_availability_of_peak_demand_pricing_assets_monthly() - C0.test_define_availability_of_peak_demand_pricing_assets_quarterly() - C0.test_add_a_transformer_for_each_peak_demand_pricing_period_1_period() - C0.test_add_a_transformer_for_each_peak_demand_pricing_period_2_periods() - C0.test_define_transformer_for_peak_demand_pricing() - C0.test_define_source() - C0.test_define_source_exception_unknown_bus() - C0.test_define_source_timeseries_not_None() - C0.test_define_source_price_not_None_but_with_scalar_value() - C0.test_define_sink() -> incomplete - C0.test_change_sign_of_feedin_tariff_positive_value() - C0.test_change_sign_of_feedin_tariff_negative_value() - C0.test_change_sign_of_feedin_tariff_zero()

multi_vector_simulator.C0_data_processing.define_availability_of_peak_demand_pricing_assets(dict_values, number_of_pricing_periods, months_in_a_period)

Determined the availability timeseries for the later to be defined dso assets for taking into account the peak demand pricing periods.

  • dict_values (dict) – All simulation inputs

  • number_of_pricing_periods (int) – Number of pricing periods in a year. Valid: 1,2,3,4,6,12

  • months_in_a_period (int) – Duration of a period


dict_availability_timeseries – Dict with all availability timeseries for each period

Return type



Identifies all energyVectors used in the energy system by looking at the defined energyBusses. The EnergyVectors later will be used to distribute costs and KPI amongst the sectors


dict_values (dict) – All input data in dict format


Return type

Update dict[PROJECT_DATA] by included energyVectors (LES_ENERGY_VECTOR_S)


Function tested with - C1.test_define_energy_vectors_from_busses


Define energy excess sinks for each bus


dict_values (dict) – All simulation parameters


Return type

Updates dict_values

multi_vector_simulator.C0_data_processing.define_missing_cost_data(dict_values, dict_asset)
  • dict_values

  • dict_asset


multi_vector_simulator.C0_data_processing.define_sink(dict_values, asset_key, price, inflow_direction, energy_vector, **kwargs)

This automatically defines a sink for an oemof-sink object. The sinks are added to the energyConsumption assets.

  • dict_values (dict) – All information of the simulation

  • asset_key (str) – label of the asset to be generated

  • price (float) – Price of dispatch of the asset

  • inflow_direction (str) – Direction from which energy is provided to the sink

  • kwargs (Misc) – Common parameters: -


  • Updates dict_values[ENERGY_BUSSES] if outflow_direction not in it

  • Updates dict_values[ENERGY_CONSUMPTION] with a new sink


Examples: - Used to define excess sinks for all energyBusses - Used to define feed-in sink for each DSO

The pytests for this function are not complete. It is started with: - C0.test_define_sink() and only the assertion messages are missing

multi_vector_simulator.C0_data_processing.define_source(dict_values, asset_key, outflow_direction, energy_vector, emission_factor, price=None, timeseries=None)

Defines a source with default input values. If kwargs are given, the default values are overwritten.

  • dict_values (dict) – Dictionary to which source should be added, with all simulation parameters

  • asset_key (str) – key under which the asset is stored in the asset group

  • energy_vector (str) – Energy vector the new asset should belong to

  • emission_factor (dict) – Dict with a unit-value pair of the emission factor of the new asset

  • price (dict) – Dict with a unit-value pair of the dispatch price of the source. The value can also be defined though FILENAME and HEADER, making the value of the price a timeseries. Default: None

  • timeseries (pd.Dataframe) – Timeseries defining the availability of the source. Currently not used. Default: None


  • Updates dict_values[ENERGY_BUSSES] if outflow_direction not in it

  • Standard source defined as


The pytests for this function are not complete. It is started with: - C0.test_define_source() - C0.test_define_source_exception_unknown_bus() - C0.test_define_source_timeseries_not_None() - C0.test_define_source_price_not_None_but_with_scalar_value() Missing: - C0.test_define_source_price_not_None_but_timeseries(), ie. value defined by FILENAME and HEADER

multi_vector_simulator.C0_data_processing.define_transformer_for_peak_demand_pricing(dict_values, dict_dso, transformer_name, timeseries_availability)

Defines a transformer for peak demand pricing in energyConverion

  • dict_values (dict) – All simulation parameters

  • dict_dso (dict) – All values connected to the DSO

  • transformer_name (str) – label of the transformer to be added

  • timeseries_availability (pd.Series) – Timeseries of transformer availability. Introduced to cover peak demand pricing.


Return type

Updated dict_values with newly added transformer asset in the energyConversion asset group.

multi_vector_simulator.C0_data_processing.determine_dispatch_price(dict_values, price, source)

This function needs to be re-evaluated.

  • dict_values

  • price

  • source

multi_vector_simulator.C0_data_processing.determine_months_in_a_peak_demand_pricing_period(number_of_pricing_periods, simulation_period_lenght)

Check if the number of peak demand pricing periods is valid. Warns user that in case the number of periods exceeds 1 but the simulation time is not a year, there could be an unexpected number of timeseries considered. Raises error if number of peak demand pricing periods is not valid.

  • number_of_pricing_periods (int) – Defined in csv, is number of pricing periods within a year

  • simulation_period_lenght (int) – Defined in csv, is number of days of the simulation


months_in_a_period – Number of months that make a period, will be used to determine availability of dso assets

Return type


multi_vector_simulator.C0_data_processing.energyConsumption(dict_values, group)
  • dict_values

  • group


multi_vector_simulator.C0_data_processing.energyConversion(dict_values, group)

Add lifetime capex (incl. replacement costs), calculate annuity (incl. om), and simulation annuity to each asset

  • dict_values

  • group


multi_vector_simulator.C0_data_processing.energyProduction(dict_values, group)
  • dict_values

  • group


multi_vector_simulator.C0_data_processing.energyProviders(dict_values, group)
  • dict_values

  • group


multi_vector_simulator.C0_data_processing.energyStorage(dict_values, group)
  • dict_values

  • group


multi_vector_simulator.C0_data_processing.evaluate_lifetime_costs(settings, economic_data, dict_asset)

Evaluates specific costs of an asset over the project lifetime. This includes: - LIFETIME_PRICE_DISPATCH (C2.determine_lifetime_price_dispatch) - LIFETIME_SPECIFIC_COST - LIFETIME_SPECIFIC_COST_OM - ANNUITY_SPECIFIC_INVESTMENT_AND_OM - SIMULATION_ANNUITY

The DEVELOPMENT_COSTS are not processed here, as they are not necessary for the optimization.

  • settings (dict) – dict of simulation settings, including: - EVALUATED_PERIOD

  • economic_data (dict) – dict of economic data of the simulation, including - project duration (PROJECT_DURATION) - discount factor (DISCOUNTFACTOR) - tax (TAX) - CRF - ANNUITY_FACTOR

  • dict_asset (dict) – dict of all asset parameters, including - SPECIFIC_COSTS - SPECIFIC_COSTS_OM - LIFETIME


  • Updates asset dict with

  • - LIFETIME_PRICE_DISPATCH (C2.determine_lifetime_price_dispatch)








Tested with: - test_evaluate_lifetime_costs_adds_all_parameters() - Test_Economic_KPI.test_benchmark_Economic_KPI_C2_E2()

multi_vector_simulator.C0_data_processing.get_timeseries_multiple_flows(settings, dict_asset, file_name, header)
  • dict_asset

  • of the asset (dictionary) –

  • file_name

  • of the file to read the time series (name) –

  • header

  • of the column where the timeseries is provided (name) –


defines dict_values[‘energyBusses’] for later reference

Processes all assets of the energy system by evaluating them, performing economic pre-calculations and validity checks.


dict_values (dict) – All simulation inputs


dict_values – Updated dict_values with pre-processes assets, including economic parameters, busses and auxiliary assets like excess sinks and all assets connected to the energyProviders.

Return type



Tested with: - test_C0_data_processing.test_process_all_assets_fixcost()

multi_vector_simulator.C0_data_processing.process_maximum_cap_constraint(dict_values, group, asset, subasset=None)

Processes the maximumCap constraint depending on its value.

  • If MaximumCap not in asset dict: MaximumCap is None

  • If MaximumCap < installedCap: invalid, MaximumCapValueInvalid raised

  • If MaximumCap == 0: invalid, MaximumCap is None

  • If group == energyProduction and filename not in asset_dict (dispatchable assets): pass

  • If group == energyProduction and filename in asset_dict (non-dispatchable assets): MaximumCapNormalized == MaximumCap*peak(timeseries), MaximumAddCapNormalized == MaximumAddCap*peak(timeseries)

  • dict_values (dict) – dictionary of all assets

  • group (str) – Group that the asset belongs to (str). Used to acces sub-asset data and for error messages.

  • asset (str) – asset name

  • subasset (str or None) – subasset name. Default: None.


Tested with: - test_process_maximum_cap_constraint_maximumCap_undefined() - test_process_maximum_cap_constraint_maximumCap_is_None() - test_process_maximum_cap_constraint_maximumCap_is_int() - test_process_maximum_cap_constraint_maximumCap_is_float() - test_process_maximum_cap_constraint_maximumCap_is_0() - test_process_maximum_cap_constraint_maximumCap_is_int_smaller_than_installed_cap() - test_process_maximum_cap_constraint_group_is_ENERGY_PRODUCTION_fuel_source() - test_process_maximum_cap_constraint_group_is_ENERGY_PRODUCTION_non_dispatchable_asset() - test_process_maximum_cap_constraint_subasset()


  • Updates the asset dictionary.

  • * Unit of MaximumCap is asset unit

multi_vector_simulator.C0_data_processing.process_normalized_installed_cap(dict_values, group, asset, subasset=None)

Processes the normalized installed capacity value based on the installed capacity value and the chosen timeseries.

  • dict_values (dict) – dictionary of all assets

  • group (str) – Group that the asset belongs to (str). Used to acces sub-asset data and for error messages.

  • asset (str) – asset name

  • subasset (str or None) – subasset name. Default: None.


Tested with: - test_process_normalized_installed_cap()


Return type

Updates the asset dictionary with the normalizedInstalledCap value.

multi_vector_simulator.C0_data_processing.receive_timeseries_from_csv(settings, dict_asset, input_type, is_demand_profile=False)
  • settings

  • dict_asset

  • type


multi_vector_simulator.C0_data_processing.replace_nans_in_timeseries_with_0(timeseries, label)

Replaces nans in the timeseries (if any) with 0

  • timeseries (pd.Series) – demand or resource timeseries in dict_asset (having nan value(s) if any), also of parameters that are not defined as scalars but as timeseries

  • label (str) – Contains user-defined information about the timeseries to be printed into the eventual error message


timeseries – timeseries without NaN values

Return type



Function tested with - C0.test_replace_nans_in_timeseries_with_0()

multi_vector_simulator.C0_data_processing.treat_multiple_flows(dict_asset, dict_values, parameter)

This function consider the case a technical parameter on the json file has a list of values because multiple inputs or outputs busses are considered. :param dict_values: :param dictionary of current values of the asset: :param parameter: :param usually efficiency. Different efficiencies will be given if an asset has multiple inputs or outputs busses: :param : :param so a list must be considered.:

Module C1 - Verification

Module C1 is used to validate the input data compiled in A1 or read in B0.

In A1/B0, the input parameters were parsed to str/bool/float/int. This module tests whether the parameters are in correct value ranges: - Display error message when wrong type - Display error message when outside defined range - Display error message when feed-in tariff > electricity price (would cause loop, see #119)

multi_vector_simulator.C1_verification.all_valid_intervals(name, value, title)

Checks whether value of name is valid.

Checks include the expected type and the expected range a parameter is supposed to be inside.

  • name

  • value

  • title



Raises error or logs a warning to help users to spot major change in PR #676.

In #676 the efficiency of storage capacity’ in `storage_*.csv was defined as the storages’ efficiency/ability to hold charge over time. Before it was defined as loss rate. This function raises an error if efficiency of ‘storage capacity’ of one of the storages is 0 and logs a warning if efficiency of ‘storage capacity’ of one of the storages is <0.2.


dict_values (dict) – Contains all input data of the simulation.


Tested with: - test_check_efficiency_of_storage_capacity_is_0 - test_check_efficiency_of_storage_capacity_is_btw_0_and_02 - test_check_efficiency_of_storage_capacity_is_greater_02


  • Indirectly, raises error message in case of efficiency of ‘storage capacity’ is 0

  • and logs warning message in case of efficiency of ‘storage capacity’ is <0.2.


Logs a logging.warning message in case the grid has a renewable share of 100 % but an emission factor > 0.

This would affect the optimization if a maximum emissions contraint is used. Aditionally, it effects the KPIs connected to emissions.


dict_values (dict) – Contains all input data of the simulation.


  • Indirectly, logs a logging.warning message in case tthe grid has a renewable share

  • of 100 % but an emission factor > 0.


Tested with: - C1.test_check_emission_factor_of_providers_no_warning_RE_share_lower_1() - C1.test_check_emission_factor_of_providers_no_warning_emission_factor_0() - C1.test_check_emission_factor_of_providers_warning()


Helps to do oemof-solph termination debugging: Logs a logging.warning message if the aggregated installed capacity and maximum capacity (if applicable) of all conversion, generation and storage assets connected to one bus is smaller than the maximum demand. The check is applied to each bus of the energy system. Check passes when the potential peak supply is larger then or equal to the peak demand on the bus, or if the maximum capacity of an asset is set to None when optimizing.


dict_values (dict) – Contains all input data of the simulation.


  • Indirectly, logs a logging.warning message if the installed and maximum capacities of

  • conversion/generation/storage assets are less than the maximum demand, for each bus.


Tested with: - test_check_energy_system_can_fulfill_max_demand_sufficient_capacities() - test_check_energy_system_can_fulfill_max_demand_no_maximum_capacity() - test_check_energy_system_can_fulfill_max_demand_insufficient_capacities() - test_check_energy_system_can_fulfill_max_demand_with_storage() - test_check_energy_system_can_fulfill_max_demand_sufficient_dispatchable_production - test_check_energy_system_can_fulfill_max_demand_insufficient_dispatchable_production - test_check_energy_system_can_fulfill_max_demand_sufficient_non_dispatchable_production - test_check_energy_system_can_fulfill_max_demand_insufficient_non_dispatchable_production - test_check_energy_system_can_fulfill_max_demand_fails_mvs_runthrough


Logs a logging.warning message in case the maximum emissions constraint could lead into an unbound problem.

If the maximum emissions constraint is used it is checked whether there is any production asset with zero emissions that has a capacity to be optimized without maximum capacity constraint. If this is not the case a warning is logged.


dict_values (dict) – Contains all input data of the simulation.


  • Indirectly, logs a logging.warning message in case the maximum emissions constraint

  • is used while no production with zero emissions is optimized without maximum capacity.


Tested with: - C1.test_check_feasibility_of_maximum_emissions_constraint_no_warning_no_constraint() - C1.test_check_feasibility_of_maximum_emissions_constraint_no_warning_although_emission_constraint() - C1.test_check_feasibility_of_maximum_emissions_constraint_maximumcap() - C1.test_check_feasibility_of_maximum_emissions_constraint_optimizeCap_is_False() - C1.test_check_feasibility_of_maximum_emissions_constraint_no_zero_emission_asset()


Raises error if feed-in tariff > energy price of any asset in ‘energyProvider.csv’. This is not allowed, as oemof otherwise is subjected to an unbound and unrealistic problem, eg. one where the owner should consume electricity to feed it directly back into the grid for its revenue.


dict_values (dict) – Contains all input data of the simulation.


  • Indirectly, raises error message in case of feed-in tariff > energy price of any

  • asset in ‘energyProvider.csv’.


Tested with: - C1.test_check_feedin_tariff_vs_energy_price_greater_energy_price() - C1.test_check_feedin_tariff_vs_energy_price_not_greater_energy_price()


Raises error if feed-in tariff > levelized costs of generation for energy asset in ENERGY_PRODUCTION with capacity to be optimized and no maximum capacity constraint.

This is not allowed, as oemof otherwise may be subjected to an unbound problem, ie. a business case in which an asset should be installed with infinite capacities to maximize revenue.

In case of a set maximum capacity or no capacity optimization logging messages are logged.


dict_values (dict) – Contains all input data of the simulation.


  • Raises error message in case of feed-in tariff > levelized costs of generation for energy asset of any



Tested with: - C1.test_check_feedin_tariff_vs_levelized_cost_of_generation_of_production_non_dispatchable_not_greater_costs() - C1.test_check_feedin_tariff_vs_levelized_cost_of_generation_of_production_non_dispatchable_greater_costs() - C1.test_check_feedin_tariff_vs_levelized_cost_of_generation_of_production_dispatchable_higher_dispatch_price() - C1.test_check_feedin_tariff_vs_levelized_cost_of_generation_of_production_dispatchable_lower_dispatch_price() - C1.test_check_feedin_tariff_vs_levelized_cost_of_generation_of_production_non_dispatchable_greater_costs_with_maxcap() - C1.test_check_feedin_tariff_vs_levelized_cost_of_generation_of_production_non_dispatchable_greater_costs_dispatch_mode()

This test does not cover cross-sectoral invalid feedin tariffs. Example: If there is very cheap electricity generation but a high H2 feedin tariff, then it might be a business case to install a large Electrolyzer, and the simulation would fail. In that case one should set bounds to the solution.


This function checks if any LABEL provided for the energy system model in dict_values is a duplicate. This is not allowed, as oemof can not build a model with identical labels.


dict_values (dict) – All simulation inputs


pass or error message

Return type



Validation check for busses, to make sure a sufficient number of assets is connected.

Each bus has to has to have 3 or more assets connected to it. The reasoning is that each bus needs: - One asset for inflow into the bus - One asset for outflow from the bus - One energy excess asset Note, however, that this test does not check whether the assets actually serve that function, so there might be false negatives: The test can for example pass, if there are two output assets, one excess asset but no input asset, which would represent a non-sensical combination.

On the bus created for the peak demand pricing function (name includes DSO_PEAK_DEMAND_SUFFIX) no excess sinks are added, and therefore the rule does not have to be applied to this bus.


dict_values (dict) – All simulation parameters


Return type

Logging error message if test fails


This function is tested with: - test_C1_verification.test_check_for_sufficient_assets_on_busses_example_bus_passes() - test_C1_verification.test_check_for_sufficient_assets_on_busses_example_bus_fails() - test_C1_verification.test_check_for_sufficient_assets_on_busses_skipped_for_peak_demand_pricing_bus()

multi_vector_simulator.C1_verification.check_if_energy_vector_is_defined_in_DEFAULT_WEIGHTS_ENERGY_CARRIERS(energy_carrier, asset_group, asset)

Raises an error message if an energy vector is unknown.

It then needs to be added to the DEFAULT_WEIGHTS_ENERGY_CARRIERS in

  • energy_carrier (str) – Name of the energy carrier

  • asset_group (str) – Name of the asset group

  • asset (str) – Name of the asset


Return type



Tested with: - test_check_if_energy_vector_is_defined_in_DEFAULT_WEIGHTS_ENERGY_CARRIERS_pass() - test_check_if_energy_vector_is_defined_in_DEFAULT_WEIGHTS_ENERGY_CARRIERS_fails()


Validates for all assets, whether ‘energyVector’ is defined within DEFAULT_WEIGHTS_ENERGY_CARRIERS and within the energyBusses.


dict_values (dict) – All input data in dict format


Function tested with - test_add_economic_parameters() - test_check_if_energy_vector_of_all_assets_is_valid_fails - test_check_if_energy_vector_of_all_assets_is_valid_passes





Raises error if time series of non-dispatchable sources are not between [0, 1].


dict_values (dict) – Contains all input data of the simulation.


  • Indirectly, raises error message in case of time series of non-dispatchable sources

  • not between [0, 1].


Checks whether all values of time_series in [0, 1].


time_series (pd.Series) – Time series to be checked.


True if values of time_series within [0, 1], else False.

Return type


multi_vector_simulator.C1_verification.lookup_file(file_path, name)

Checks whether file specified in file_path exists.

If it does not exist, a FileNotFoundError is raised.

  • file_path – File name including path of file that is checked.

  • name – Something referring to which component the file belongs. In get_timeseries_multiple_flows() the label of the asset is used.


Module C2 - Economic preprocessing

Module C2 performs the economic pre-processing of MVS’ input parameters. It includes basic economic formulas.

Functionalities: - Calculate annuity factor - calculate crf depending on year - calculate specific lifetime capex, considering replacement costs and residual value of the asset - calculate annuity from present costs - calculate present costs based on annuity - calculate effective fuel price cost, in case there is a annual fuel price change (this functionality still has to be checked in this module)

multi_vector_simulator.C2_economic_functions.annuity(present_value, crf)

Calculates the annuity which is a fixed stream of payments incurred by investments in assets

  • present_value (float) – current equivalent value of a set of future cash flows for an asset

  • crf (float) – ratio used to calculate the present value of an annuity


annuity – annuity, i.e. payment made at equal intervals

Return type



Tested with test_annuity()

multi_vector_simulator.C2_economic_functions.annuity_factor(project_life, discount_factor)

Calculates the annuity factor, which in turn in used to calculate the present value of annuities (instalments)

  • project_life (int) – time period over which the costs of the system occur

  • discount_factor (float) – weighted average cost of capital, which is the after-tax average cost of various capital sources


annuity_factor – financial value “annuity factor”. Dividing a present cost by tha annuity factor returns its annuity, multiplying an annuity with the annuity factor returns its present value

Return type



annuity factor = \frac{1}{discount factor} - \frac{1}{
discountfactor \cdot (1 + discount factor)^{project life}}

multi_vector_simulator.C2_economic_functions.capex_from_investment(investment_t0, lifetime, project_life, discount_factor, tax, age_of_asset, asset_label='')

Calculates the capital expenditures, also known as CapEx.

CapEx represent the total funds used to acquire or upgrade an asset. The specific capex is calculated by taking into account all future cash flows connected to the investment into one unit of the asset. This includes reinvestments, operation and management costs, dispatch costs as well as a deduction of the residual value at project end. The residual value is calculated with a linear depreciation of the last investment, ie. as a even share of the last investment over the lifetime of the asset. The remaining value of the asset is translated in a present value and then deducted.

  • investment_t0 (float) – first investment at the beginning of the project made at year 0

  • lifetime (int) – time period over which investments and re-investments can occur. can be equal to, longer or shorter than project_life

  • project_life (int) – time period over which the costs of the system occur

  • discount_factor (float) – weighted average cost of capital, which is the after-tax average cost of various capital sources

  • tax (float) – compulsory financial charge paid to the government

  • age_of_asset (int) – age since asset installation in year

  • asset_label (str) – name of the asset


  • specific_capex (float) – Specific capital expenditure for an asset over project lifetime

  • specific_replacement_costs_optimized (float) – Specific replacement costs for the asset capacity to be optimized, needed for E2

  • specific_replacement_costs_already_installed (float) – replacement costs per unit for the currently already installed assets, needed for E2


Tested with - test_capex_from_investment_lifetime_equals_project_life() - test_capex_from_investment_lifetime_smaller_than_project_life() - test_capex_from_investment_lifetime_bigger_than_project_life()

multi_vector_simulator.C2_economic_functions.crf(project_life, discount_factor)

Calculates the capital recovery ratio used to determine the present value of a series of equal payments (annuity)

  • project_life – time period over which the costs of the system occur

  • discount_factor – weighted average cost of capital, which is the after-tax average cost of various capital sources


capital recovery factor, a ratio used to calculate the present value of an annuity

multi_vector_simulator.C2_economic_functions.determine_lifetime_price_dispatch(dict_asset, economic_data)

Determines the price of dispatch of an asset LIFETIME_PRICE_DISPATCH and updates the asset info.

It takes into account the asset’s future expenditures due to dispatch. Depending on the price data provided, another function is executed.

  • dict_asset (dict) – Data of an asset

  • economic_data (dict) – Economic data, including CRF and ANNUITY_FACTOR


Return type

Updates asset dict


Tested with - test_determine_lifetime_price_dispatch_as_int() - test_determine_lifetime_price_dispatch_as_float() - test_determine_lifetime_price_dispatch_as_list() - test_determine_lifetime_price_dispatch_as_timeseries ()

multi_vector_simulator.C2_economic_functions.get_lifetime_price_dispatch_list(dispatch_price, economic_data)

Determines the lifetime dispatch price in case that the dispatch price is a list.

The dispatch_price can be a list when for example if there are two input flows to a component, eg. water and electricity. There should be a lifetime_price_dispatch for each of them.

lifetime\_price\_dispatch\_i = DISPATCH\_PRICE\_i \cdot ANNUITY\_FACTOR \forall i

with i for all list entries

  • dispatch_price (list) – Dispatch prices of the asset as a list

  • economic_data (dict) – Economic data


lifetime_price_dispatch – List of floats of lifetime dispatch price that the asset will be updated with

Return type



Tested with - test_determine_lifetime_price_dispatch_as_list() - test_get_lifetime_price_dispatch_list()

multi_vector_simulator.C2_economic_functions.get_lifetime_price_dispatch_one_value(dispatch_price, economic_data)

Lifetime dispatch price is a scalar value that is calulated with the annuity

By doing this, the operational expenditures, in the simulation only taken into account for a year, can be compared to the investment costs.

lifetime_price_dispatch = DISPATCH_PRICE \cdot ANNUITY_FACTOR

  • dispatch_price (float or int) – dispatch_price of the asset

  • economic_data (dict) – Economic data


lifetime_price_dispatch – Float that the asset dict is to be updated with

Return type



Tested with - test_determine_lifetime_price_dispatch_as_int() - test_determine_lifetime_price_dispatch_as_float() - test_get_lifetime_price_dispatch_one_value()

multi_vector_simulator.C2_economic_functions.get_lifetime_price_dispatch_timeseries(dispatch_price, economic_data)

Calculates the lifetime price dispatch for a timeseries. The dispatch_price can be a timeseries, eg. in case that there is an hourly pricing. .. math:

lifetime\_price\_dispatch(t) = DISPATCH\_PRICE(t) \cdot ANNUITY\_FACTOR \forall t
  • dispatch_price (pandas.Series) – Dispatch price as a timeseries (eg. electricity prices)

  • economic_data (dict) – Dict of economic data


lifetime_price_dispatch – Lifetime dispatch price that the asset will be updated with

Return type



Tested with
  • test_determine_lifetime_price_dispatch_as_timeseries()

  • test_get_lifetime_price_dispatch_timeseries()

multi_vector_simulator.C2_economic_functions.get_replacement_costs(age_of_asset, project_lifetime, asset_lifetime, first_time_investment, discount_factor, asset_label='')

Calculating the replacement costs of an asset

  • age_of_asset (int) – Age in years of an already installed asset

  • project_lifetime (int) – Project duration in years

  • asset_lifetime (int) – Lifetime of an asset in years

  • first_time_investment (float) – Investment cost of an asset to be installed

  • discount_factor (float) – Discount factor of a project

  • asset_label (str) – name of the asset


  • Per-unit replacement costs of an asset. If age_asset == 0, they need to be added to the lifetime_specific_costs of the asset.

  • If age_asset > 0, it will be needed to calculate the future investment costs of a previously installed asset.

multi_vector_simulator.C2_economic_functions.present_value_from_annuity(annuity, annuity_factor)

Calculates the present value of future instalments from an annuity

  • annuity (float) – payment made at equal intervals

  • annuity_factor (float) – financial value


present_value – present value of future payments from an annuity

Return type


multi_vector_simulator.C2_economic_functions.simulation_annuity(annuity, days)

Scaling annuity to timeframe Updating all annuities above to annuities “for the timeframe”, so that optimization is based on more adequate costs. Includes project_cost_annuity, distribution_grid_cost_annuity, maingrid_extension_cost_annuity for consistency eventhough these are not used in optimization.

  • annuity (float) – Annuity of an asset

  • days (int) – Days to be simulated


Return type

Simulation annuity that considers the lifetime cost for the optimization of one year duration.


Tested with - test_simulation_annuity_week - test_simulation_annuity_year

Building the energy system model

Module D0 - Model building

Functional requirements of module D0: - measure time needed to build model - measure time needed to solve model - generate energy system model for oemof - create dictionary of components so that they can be used for constraints and some - raise warning if component not a (in mvs defined) oemof model type - add all energy conversion, energy consumption, energy production, energy storage devices model - plot network graph - at constraints to remote model - store lp file (optional) - start oemof simulation - process results by giving them to the next function - dump oemof results - add simulation parameters to dict values

class multi_vector_simulator.D0_modelling_and_optimization.model_building
adding_assets_to_energysystem_model(dict_model, model, **kwargs)
  • dict_values (dict) – dict of simulation data

  • dict_model – Updated list of assets in the oemof energy system model

  • model ( – Model of oemof energy system


Initalization of oemof model


dict_values (dict) – dictionary of simulation


Return type

oemof energy model (, dict_model which gathers the assets added to this model later.

plot_networkx_graph(model, save_energy_system_graph=False)

Plots a graph of the energy system if that graph is to be displayed or stored.

  • dict_values (dict) – All simulation inputs

  • model ( – oemof-solph object for energy system model

  • save_energy_system_graph (bool) – if True, save the graph in the mvs output folder Default: False


Return type


simulating(model, local_energy_system)

Initiates the oemof-solph simulation, accesses results and writes main results into dict

If an error is encountered in the oemof solver, mvs should not be allowed to continue, otherwise other errors related to the uncomplete simulation result might occur and it will be more obscure to the endusers what went wrong.

A MVS error is raised if the omoef solver warning states explicitely that “termination condition infeasible”, otherwise the oemof solver warning is re-raised as an error.

  • dict_values (dict) – All simulation inputs

  • model (object) – oemof-solph object for energy system model

  • local_energy_system (object) – pyomo object storing all constraints of the energy system model


Return type

Updated model with results, main results (flows, assets) and meta results (simulation)


Stores linear equation system generated with pyomo as an “lp file”.

  • dict_values (dict) – All simulation input data

  • local_energy_system (object) – pyomo object including all constraints of the energy system


Return type


multi_vector_simulator.D0_modelling_and_optimization.run_oemof(dict_values, save_energy_system_graph=False)

Creates and solves energy system model generated from excel template inputs. Each component is included by calling its constructor function in D1_model_components.


values (dict) – Includes all dictionary values describing the whole project, including costs, technical parameters and components. In C0_data_processing, each component was attributed with a certain in/output bus.


Return type

saves and returns oemof simulation results

class multi_vector_simulator.D0_modelling_and_optimization.timer

Starts a timer


Ends timer and adds duration of simulation to dict_values :param dict_values: Dict of simulation including SIMULATION_RESULTS key :type dict_values: dict :param start: start time of timer :type start: timestamp


Return type

Simulation time in dict_values

Module D1 - Oemof components

Module D1 includes all functions that are required to build an oemof model with adaptable components.

  • add transformer objects (fix, to be optimized)

  • add source objects (fix, to be optimized, dispatchable, non-dispatchable)

  • add sink objects (fix, to be optimized, dispatchable, non-dispatchable)

  • add storage objects (fix, to be optimized)

  • add multiple input/output busses if required for each of the assets

  • add oemof component parameters as scalar or time series values

multi_vector_simulator.D1_model_components.bus(model, name, **kwargs)

Adds bus name to model and to ‘busses’ in kwargs.


Tested with: - test_bus_add_to_empty_dict() - test_bus_add_to_not_empty_dict()

multi_vector_simulator.D1_model_components.check_optimize_cap(model, dict_asset, func_constant, func_optimize, **kwargs)

Defines a component specified in dict_asset with fixed capacity or capacity to be optimized.

  • model ( object) – See the oemof documentation for more information.

  • dict_asset (dict) – Contains information about the asset like (not exhaustive): efficiency, installed capacity (‘installedCap’), information on the busses the asset is connected to (f.e. ‘inflow_direction’, ‘outflow_direction’).

  • func_constant (func) – Function to be applied if optimization not intended.

  • func_optimize (func) – Function to be applied if optimization not intended.

  • are busses and a dictionary belonging to the respective oemof (Required) –

  • of the asset. (type) –

  • busses (dict, optional) –

  • sinks (dict, optional) –

  • sources (dict, optional) –

  • transformers (dict, optional) –

  • storages (dict, optional) –


  • Indirectly updated model and dict of asset in kwargs with the component object.


  • ^^^^^

  • Might be possible to drop non invest optimization in favour of invest optimization if max_capactiy

  • attributes ie. are set to 0 for fix (but less beautiful, and in case of generator even blocks nonconvex opt.).


Tested with: - test_check_optimize_cap_raise_error()

multi_vector_simulator.D1_model_components.sink(model, dict_asset, **kwargs)

Defines a sink component specified in dict_asset.

Depending on the ‘value’ of ‘optimizeCap’ in dict_asset the sink is defined with a fixed capacity or a capacity to be optimized. If a time series is provided for the sink (key ‘timeseries’ in dict_asset) it is defined as a non dispatchable sink, otherwise as dispatchable sink. The sink has multiple or a single input bus depending on the type of the key ‘inflow_direction’ in dict_asset.

  • model ( object) – See the oemof documentation for more information.

  • dict_asset (dict) – Contains information about the storage like (not exhaustive): efficiency, installed capacity (‘installedCap’), information on the busses the sink is connected to (‘inflow_direction’),

  • busses (dict) –

  • sinks (dict) –

  • sources (dict, optional) –

  • transformers (dict, optional) –

  • storages (dict, optional) –


The following functions are used for defining the sink: * sink_non_dispatchable() * sink_dispatchable()

Tested with: - test_sink_non_dispatchable_single_input_bus() - test_sink_non_dispatchable_multiple_input_busses() - test_sink_dispatchable_single_input_bus() - test_sink_dispatchable_multiple_input_busses()

multi_vector_simulator.D1_model_components.sink_dispatchable_optimize(model, dict_asset, **kwargs)

Define a dispatchable sink.

The dispatchable sink is capacity-optimized, without any costs connected to the capacity of the asset. Applications of this asset type are: Feed-in sink, excess sink.

See sink() for more information, including parameters.


Tested with: - test_sink_dispatchable_single_input_bus() - test_sink_dispatchable_multiple_input_busses()


Return type

Indirectly updated model and dict of asset in kwargs with the sink object.

multi_vector_simulator.D1_model_components.sink_non_dispatchable(model, dict_asset, **kwargs)

Defines a non dispatchable sink.

See sink() for more information, including parameters.


Tested with: - test_sink_non_dispatchable_single_input_bus() - test_sink_non_dispatchable_multiple_input_busses()


Return type

Indirectly updated model and dict of asset in kwargs with the sink object.

multi_vector_simulator.D1_model_components.source(model, dict_asset, **kwargs)

Defines a source component specified in dict_asset.

Depending on the ‘value’ of ‘optimizeCap’ in dict_asset the source is defined with a fixed capacity or a capacity to be optimized. If a time series is provided for the source (key ‘timeseries’ in dict_asset) it is defined as a non dispatchable source, otherwise as dispatchable source. The source has multiple or a single output bus depending on the type of the key ‘inflow_direction’ in dict_asset.

  • model ( object) – See the oemof documentation for more information.

  • dict_asset (dict) – Contains information about the storage like (not exhaustive): efficiency, installed capacity (‘installedCap’), information on the busses the sink is connected to (‘inflow_direction’),

  • busses (dict) –

  • sinks (dict) –

  • sources (dict, optional) –

  • transformers (dict, optional) –

  • storages (dict, optional) –


  • ^^^^^

  • We should actually not allow multiple output busses (*) –

  • - because a pv would then (probably) –

  • in twice as much as solar_gen_specific for example (feed) –

  • issue #121 (see) –


The following functions are used for defining the source: * source_dispatchable_fix() * source_dispatchable_optimize() * source_non_dispatchable_fix() * source_non_dispatchable_optimize()

Tested with: - test_source_non_dispatchable_optimize() - test_source_non_dispatchable_fix() - test_source_dispatchable_optimize_normalized_timeseries() - test_source_dispatchable_optimize_timeseries_not_normalized_timeseries() - test_source_dispatchable_fix_normalized_timeseries() - test_source_dispatchable_fix_timeseries_not_normalized_timeseries()

multi_vector_simulator.D1_model_components.source_dispatchable_fix(model, dict_asset, **kwargs)

Defines a dispatchable source with a fixed capacity.

See source() for more information, including parameters.


Tested with: - test_source_dispatchable_fix_normalized_timeseries() - test_source_dispatchable_fix_timeseries_not_normalized_timeseries()


Return type

Indirectly updated model and dict of asset in kwargs with the source object.

multi_vector_simulator.D1_model_components.source_dispatchable_optimize(model, dict_asset, **kwargs)

Defines a dispatchable source with a fixed capacity.

See source() for more information, including parameters.


Tested with: - test_source_dispatchable_optimize_normalized_timeseries() - test_source_dispatchable_optimize_timeseries_not_normalized_timeseries()

Indirectly updated model and dict of asset in kwargs with the source object.
multi_vector_simulator.D1_model_components.source_non_dispatchable_fix(model, dict_asset, **kwargs)

Defines a non dispatchable source with a fixed capacity.

See source() for more information, including parameters.


Tested with: - test_source_non_dispatchable_fix()


Return type

Indirectly updated model and dict of asset in kwargs with the source object.

multi_vector_simulator.D1_model_components.source_non_dispatchable_optimize(model, dict_asset, **kwargs)

Defines a non dispatchable source with a capacity to be optimized.

See source() for more information, including parameters.


Tested with: - test_source_non_dispatchable_optimize()


Return type

Indirectly updated model and dict of asset in kwargs with the source object., dict_asset, **kwargs)

Defines a storage component specified in dict_asset.

Depending on the ‘value’ of ‘optimizeCap’ in dict_asset the storage is defined with a fixed capacity or a capacity to be optimized.

  • model ( object) – See the oemof documentation for more information.

  • dict_asset (dict) – Contains information about the storage like (not exhaustive): efficiency, installed capacity (‘installedCap’), information on the busses the storage is connected to (‘inflow_direction’, ‘outflow_direction’),

  • busses (dict) –

  • sinks (dict, optional) –

  • sources (dict, optional) –

  • transformers (dict, optional) –

  • storages (dict) –


The following functions are used for defining the storage: * storage_fix() * storage_optimize()

Tested with: - test_storage_optimize() - test_storage_fix()

multi_vector_simulator.D1_model_components.storage_fix(model, dict_asset, **kwargs)

Defines a storage with a fixed capacity.

See storage() for more information, including parameters.


Tested with: - test_storage_fix()


Return type

Indirectly updated model and dict of asset in kwargs with the storage object.

multi_vector_simulator.D1_model_components.storage_optimize(model, dict_asset, **kwargs)

Defines a storage with a capacity to be optimized.

See storage() for more information, including parameters.


Tested with: - test_storage_optimize() - test_storage_optimize_investment_minimum_0_float() - test_storage_optimize_investment_minimum_0_time_series() - test_storage_optimize_investment_minimum_1_rel_float() - test_storage_optimize_investment_minimum_1_abs_float() - test_storage_optimize_investment_minimum_1_rel_times_series() - test_storage_optimize_investment_minimum_1_abs_times_series()


Return type

Indirectly updated model and dict of asset in kwargs with the storage object.

multi_vector_simulator.D1_model_components.transformer(model, dict_asset, **kwargs)

Defines a transformer component specified in dict_asset.

Depending on the ‘value’ of ‘optimizeCap’ in dict_asset the transformer is defined with a fixed capacity or a capacity to be optimized. The transformer has multiple or single input or output busses depending on the types of keys ‘inflow_direction’ and ‘outflow_direction’ in dict_asset.

  • model ( object) – See the oemof documentation for more information.

  • dict_asset (dict) – Contains information about the transformer like (not exhaustive): efficiency, installed capacity (‘installedCap’), information on the busses the transformer is connected to (‘inflow_direction’, ‘outflow_direction’).

  • busses (dict) –

  • sinks (dict, optional) –

  • sources (dict, optional) –

  • transformers (dict) –

  • storages (dict, optional) –


The transformer has either multiple input or multiple output busses.

The following functions are used for defining the transformer: * transformer_constant_efficiency_fix() * transformer_constant_efficiency_optimize()

Tested with: - test_transformer_optimize_cap_single_busses() - test_transformer_optimize_cap_multiple_input_busses() - test_transformer_optimize_cap_multiple_output_busses() - test_transformer_fix_cap_single_busses() - test_transformer_fix_cap_multiple_input_busses() - test_transformer_fix_cap_multiple_output_busses()


Return type

Indirectly updated model and dict of asset in kwargs with transformer object.

multi_vector_simulator.D1_model_components.transformer_constant_efficiency_fix(model, dict_asset, **kwargs)

Defines a transformer with constant efficiency and fixed capacity.

See transformer() for more information, including parameters.


Tested with: - test_transformer_fix_cap_single_busses() - test_transformer_fix_cap_multiple_input_busses() - test_transformer_fix_cap_multiple_output_busses()


Return type

Indirectly updated model and dict of asset in kwargs with the transformer object.

multi_vector_simulator.D1_model_components.transformer_constant_efficiency_optimize(model, dict_asset, **kwargs)

Defines a transformer with constant efficiency and a capacity to be optimized.

See transformer() for more information, including parameters.


Tested with: - test_transformer_optimize_cap_single_busses() - test_transformer_optimize_cap_multiple_input_busses() - test_transformer_optimize_cap_multiple_output_busses()


Return type

Indirectly updated model and dict of asset in kwargs with the transformer object.

Module D2 - Model constraints

This module gathers all constraints that can be added to the MVS optimisation. we will probably require another input CSV file or further parameters in simulation_settings.

Future constraints are discussed in issue #133 (

constraints should be tested in-code (examples) and by comparing the lp file generated.

multi_vector_simulator.D2_model_constraints.add_constraints(local_energy_system, dict_values, dict_model)

Adds all constraints activated in constraints.csv to the energy system model.

Possible constraints: - Minimal renewable factor constraint :param local_energy_system: Energy system model generated from oemof-solph for the energy system scenario, including all energy system assets. :type local_energy_system: :oemof-solph: <oemof.solph.model> :param dict_values: All simulation parameters :type dict_values: dict :param dict_model: Dictionary including the oemof-solph component assets, which need to be connected with constraints :type dict_model: dict of :oemof-solph: <oemof.solph.assets>


local_energy_system – Updated object local_energy_system with the additional constraints and bounds.

Return type




The constraints can be validated by evaluating the LP file. Additionally, there are validation tests in E4_verification_of_constraints.

Tested with: - D2.test_add_constraints_maximum_emissions() - D2.test_add_constraints_maximum_emissions_None() - D2.test_add_constraints_minimal_renewable_share() - D2.test_add_constraints_minimal_renewable_share_is_0() - D2.test_add_constraints_net_zero_energy_requirement_is_true() - D2.test_add_constraints_net_zero_energy_requirement_is_false()

multi_vector_simulator.D2_model_constraints.constraint_maximum_emissions(model, dict_values, dict_model=None)

Resulting in an energy system adhering to a maximum amount of emissions.

  • model – Model to which constraint is added.

  • dict_values (dict) – All simulation parameters

  • dict_model (None) – To match other constraint function’s format


Tested with: - D2.test_constraint_maximum_emissions()

multi_vector_simulator.D2_model_constraints.constraint_minimal_degree_of_autonomy(model, dict_values, dict_model)

Resulting in an energy system adhering to a minimal degree of autonomy.

Please be aware that the minimal degree of autonomy is not applied to each sector individually, but to the overall energy system (via energy carrier weighting).

  • model – Model to which constraint is added.

  • dict_values (dict) – All simulation parameters

  • dict_model (dict of :oemof-solph: <oemof.solph.assets>) – Dictionary including the oemof-solph component assets, which need to be connected with constraints


The renewable factor of the whole energy system has to adhere for following constraint:

minimal degree of autonomy \cdot (\sum local demand  \cdot weighting factor) <= \sum local demand \cdot weighting factor - \sum consumtion from energy providers \cdot weighting factor

Tested with: - Test_Constraints.test_benchmark_minimal_degree_of_autonomy()

multi_vector_simulator.D2_model_constraints.constraint_minimal_renewable_share(model, dict_values, dict_model)

Resulting in an energy system adhering to a minimal renewable factor.

Please be aware that the renewable factor that has to adhere to the minimal renewable factor is not the one of one specific sector, but of the overall energy system. This means that eg. 1 kg H2 is produced renewably, it goes into account with a heavier weighting factor then one renewably produced electricity unit.

  • model – Model to which constraint is added.

  • dict_values (dict) – All simulation parameters

  • dict_model (dict of :oemof-solph: <oemof.solph.assets>) – Dictionary including the oemof-solph component assets, which need to be connected with constraints


The renewable factor of the whole energy system has to adhere for following constraint:

minimal renewable factor <= \frac{\sum renewable generation \cdot weighting factor}{\sum renewable generation \cdot weighting factor + \sum non-renewable generation \cdot weighting factor}

Tested with: - Test_Constraints.test_benchmark_minimal_renewable_share_constraint()

multi_vector_simulator.D2_model_constraints.constraint_net_zero_energy(model, dict_values, dict_model)

Resulting in an energy system that is a net zero energy (NZE) or plus energy system.

Please be aware that the NZE constraint is not applied to each sector individually, but to the overall energy system (via energy carrier weighting).

  • model – Model to which constraint is added.

  • dict_values (dict) – All simulation parameters

  • dict_model (dict of :oemof-solph: <oemof.solph.assets>) – Dictionary including the oemof-solph component assets, which need to be connected with constraints


The constraint reads as follows:

\sum_{i} {E_{feedin, DSO} (i) \cdot w_i - E_{consumption, DSO} (i) \cdot w_i} >= 0

Tested with: - Test_Constraints.test_net_zero_energy_constraint()

multi_vector_simulator.D2_model_constraints.prepare_constraint_minimal_renewable_share(dict_values, dict_model)

Prepare creating the minimal renewable factor constraint by processing dict_values

  • dict_values (dict) – All simulation parameters

  • dict_model (dict of :oemof-solph: <oemof.solph.assets>) – Dictionary including the oemof-solph component assets, which need to be connected with constraints


  • renewable_assets (dict) – Dictionary of all assets with renewable generation in the energy system. Defined by: oemof_solph_object_asset, weighting_factor_energy_carrier, renewable_share_asset_flow, oemof_solph_object_bus

  • non_renewable_assets (dict) – Dictionary of all assets with renewable generation in the energy system. Defined by: oemof_solph_object_asset, weighting_factor_energy_carrier, renewable_share_asset_flow, oemof_solph_object_bus

multi_vector_simulator.D2_model_constraints.prepare_demand_assets(dict_values, dict_model)

Perpare demand assets by processing dict_values

Used for the following constraints: - minimal degree of autonomy

  • dict_values (dict) – All simulation parameters

  • dict_model (dict of :oemof-solph: <oemof.solph.assets>) – Dictionary including the oemof-solph component assets, which need to be connected with constraints


Tested with: - test_prepare_demand_assets()


demands – Dictionary of all assets with all demands in the energy system. Defined by: oemof_solph_object_asset, weighting_factor_energy_carrier, oemof_solph_object_bus

Return type


multi_vector_simulator.D2_model_constraints.prepare_energy_provider_consumption_sources(dict_values, dict_model)

Prepare energy provider consumption sources by processing dict_values.

Used for the following constraints: - minimal degree of autonomy - net zero energy (NZE)

  • dict_values (dict) – All simulation parameters

  • dict_model (dict of :oemof-solph: <oemof.solph.assets>) – Dictionary including the oemof-solph component assets, which need to be connected with constraints


Tested with: - test_prepare_energy_provider_consumption_sources()


energy_provider_consumption_sources – Dictionary of all assets that are sources for the energy consumption from energy providers in the energy system. Defined by: oemof_solph_object_asset, weighting_factor_energy_carrier, oemof_solph_object_bus

Return type


multi_vector_simulator.D2_model_constraints.prepare_energy_provider_feedin_sinks(dict_values, dict_model)

Prepare energy provider feedin sinks by processing dict_values.

Used for the following constraints: - net zero energy (NZE)

  • dict_values (dict) – All simulation parameters

  • dict_model (dict of :oemof-solph: <oemof.solph.assets>) – Dictionary including the oemof-solph component assets, which need to be connected with constraints


Tested with:
  • test_prepare_energy_provider_feedin_sinks()


energy_provider_feedin_sinks – Dictionary of all assets that are sinks for the energy feed-in to energy providers in the energy system. Defined by: oemof_solph_object_asset, weighting_factor_energy_carrier, oemof_solph_object_bus

Return type


Post-processing and evaluation

Module E0 - evaluation

Module E0 evaluates the oemof results and calculates the KPI - define dictionary entry for kpi matrix - define dictionary entry for cost matrix - store all results to matrix

multi_vector_simulator.E0_evaluation.evaluate_dict(dict_values, results_main, results_meta)

Processes all simulation outputs by evaluating oemof results, asset capacities and dispatch as well as all KPIs.

  • dict_values (dict) – simulation parameters

  • results_main (DataFrame) – oemof simulation results as output by processing.results()

  • results_meta (DataFrame) – oemof simulation meta information as output by processing.meta_results()


Tested with: - test_E0.evaluation.test_evaluate_dict_append_new_fields() - test_E0.evaluation.test_evaluate_dict_important_fields_in_output_dict() - test_E0.evaluation.test_evaluate_dict_fields_values_in_output_dict_are_dataframes()


Adds basic structure of KPI to dict_values to gather them later on.


dict_values (dict) – All simulation data, but without any results


Return type

Updated dict_values with KPI structure, made up from KPI_COST_MATRIX, KPI_SCALAR_MATRIX and KPI_SCALARS_DICT.


Adds fix costs of the project to the economic evaluation of the energy system.


dict_values (dict) – All simulation data with inputs and results of the assets


Return type

Updated dict_values with costs attributed in dict values also appended to the dict_values[KPI] (scalar results)


Function is tested with: - test_E0_evaluation.test_process_fixcost()

multi_vector_simulator.E0_evaluation.store_result_matrix(dict_kpi, dict_asset, fix_cost=False)

Storing results to vector and then result matrix for saving it in csv. Defined value types: Str, bool, None, dict (with key “VALUE”), else (int, float)

  • dict_kpi (dict) – dictionary with the two kpi groups (costs and scalars), which are pd.DF

  • dict_asset (dict) – all information known for a specific asset

  • fix_cost (Boolean) – If fix_cost is True, then no new row is added to KPI_SCALAR_MATRIX, as there are no KPI to update. Costs in KPI_COST_MATRIX however are added.


Return type

Updated dict_kpi DF, with new row of kpis of the specific asset.

Module E1 process results

Module E1 processes the oemof results. - receive time series per bus for all assets - write time series to dictionary - get optimal capacity of optimized assets - add the evaluation of time series

multi_vector_simulator.E1_process_results.add_info_flows(evaluated_period, dict_asset, flow, type=None)

Adds flow and total flow amongst other information to dict_asset.

  • evaluated_period (int) – The number of days simulated with the energy system model.

  • dict_asset (dict) – Contains information about the asset flow belongs to.

  • flow (pd.Series) – Time series of the flow.

  • type (str, default: None) – type of the flow, only exception is “STORAGE_CAPACITY”.


  • Indirectly updates dict_asset with the flow, the total flow, the annual

  • total flow, the maximum of the flow (‘peak_flow’) and the average value of

  • the flow (‘average_flow’). As Storage capacity is not a flow, an aggregation of the timeseries does not make sense

  • and the parameters TOTAL_FLOW, ANNUAL_TOTAL_FLOW, PEAK_FLOW, AVERAGE_FLOW are added set to None.


Tested with: - E1.test_add_info_flows_365_days() - E1.test_add_info_flows_1_day() - E1.test_add_info_flows_storage_capacity()


Dataframe used for the component table of the report


dict_values (dict) – output values of MVS


Return type



Tested with:
  • test_E1_process_results.test_convert_components_to_dataframe()


Dataframe used for the cost matrix table of the report


dict_values (dict) – output values of MVS


Return type



Dataframe used for the costs piecharts of the report


dict_values (dict) – output values of MVS


Return type


multi_vector_simulator.E1_process_results.convert_demand_to_dataframe(dict_values, sector_demands=None)

Dataframe used for the demands table of the report

  • dict_values (dict) – output values of MVS

  • sector_demands (str) – Name of the sector of the energy system whose demands must be returned as a df by this function Default: None


Return type



Processes the sector KPIs so that they can be included in the report


dict_values (dict) – output values of MVS


kpi_sectors_dataframe – Dataframe to be displayed as a table in the report

Return type



Currently, as the KPI_UNCOUPLED_DICT does not hold any units, the table printed in the report is unit-les.


Dataframe used for the scalar matrix table of the report


dict_values (dict) – output values of MVS


Return type



Processes the scalar system-wide KPI so that they can be included in the report


dict_values (dict) – output values of MVS


kpi_scalars_dataframe – Dataframe to be displayed as a table in the report

Return type



Currently, as the KPI_SCALARS_DICT does not hold any units, the table printed in the report is unit-les.

multi_vector_simulator.E1_process_results.cut_below_micro(value, label)

Function trims results of oemof optimization to positive values and rounds to 0, if within a certain precision threshold (of -10^-6)

Oemof termination is dependent on the simulation settings of oemof solph. Thus, it can terminate the optimization if the results are with certain bounds, which can sometimes lead to negative decision variables (capacities, flows). Negative values do not make sense in this context. If the values are between -10^-6 and 0, we assume that they can be rounded to 0, as they result from the precision settings of the solver. In that case the value is overwritten for the futher post-processing. This should also avoid SOC timeseries with doubtful values outside of [0,1]. If any value is a higher negative value then the threshold, its value is not changed but a warning raised. Similarily, if a positive devision variable is detected that has a value lower then the theshold, it is assumed that this only happends because of the solver settings, and the values below the theshold are rounded to 0.

  • value (float or pd.Series) – Decision variable determined by oemof

  • label (str) – String to be mentioned in the debug messages


value – Decision variable with rounded values in case that slight negative values or positive values were observed.

Return type

float of pd.Series


Tested with: - E1.test_cut_below_micro_scalar_value_below_0_larger_threshold - E1.test_cut_below_micro_scalar_value_below_0_smaller_threshold - E1.test_cut_below_micro_scalar_value_0 - E1.test_cut_below_micro_scalar_value_larger_0 - E1.test_cut_below_micro_scalar_value_larger_0_smaller_threshold - E1.test_cut_below_micro_pd_Series_below_0_larger_threshold - E1.test_cut_below_micro_pd_Series_below_0_smaller_threshold - E1.test_cut_below_micro_pd_Series_0 - E1.test_cut_below_micro_pd_Series_larger_0 - E1.test_cut_below_micro_pd_Series_larger_0_smaller_threshold

multi_vector_simulator.E1_process_results.get_flow(settings, bus, dict_asset, flow_tuple)

Adds flow of bus and total flow amongst other information to dict_asset.

Depending on direction the input or the output flow is used.

  • settings (dict) – Contains simulation settings from simulation_settings.csv with additional information like the amount of time steps simulated in the optimization (‘periods’).

  • bus (dict) –

    Contains information about a specific bus. Information about the scalars, if they exist,

    like investment or initial capacity in key ‘scalars’ (pd.Series) and the flows between the component and the bus(ses) in key ‘sequences’ (pd.DataFrame).

  • dict_asset (dict) – Contains information about the asset.

  • flow_tuple (tuple) – Entry of the oemof-solph outputs to be evaluated


  • Indirectly updates dict_asset with the flow of bus, the total flow, the annual

  • total flow, the maximum of the flow (‘peak_flow’) and the average value of

  • the flow (‘average_flow’).

multi_vector_simulator.E1_process_results.get_optimal_cap(bus, dict_asset, flow_tuple)

Retrieves optimized capacity of asset specified in dict_asset.

  • bus (dict) – Contains information about the busses linked to the asset specified in dict_asset. Information about the scalars like investment or initial capacity in key ‘scalars’ (pd.Series) and the flows between the component and the busses in key ‘sequences’ (pd.DataFrame).

  • dict_asset (dict) – Contains information about the asset.

  • flow_tuple (tuple) – Key of the oemof-solph outputs dict mapping the value to be evaluated


  • Indirectly updated dict_asset with optimal capacity to be added

  • (‘optimizedAddCap’).


  • ^^^^^

  • * direction as optimal parameter or with default value None (direction is – not needed if ‘optimizeCap’ is not in dict_asset or if it’s value is False

multi_vector_simulator.E1_process_results.get_parameter_to_be_evaluated_from_oemof_results(asset_group, asset_label)

Determine the parameter that needs to be evaluated to determine an asset`s optimized flow and capacity.

  • asset_group (str) – Asset group to which the evaluated asset belongs

  • asset_label (str) – Label of the asset, needed for log message


parameter_to_be_evaluated – Parameter that will be processed to get the dispatch and capacity of an asset

Return type



Tested by: - test_get_parameter_to_be_evaluated_from_oemof_results()

multi_vector_simulator.E1_process_results.get_results(settings, bus_data, dict_asset, asset_group)

Reads results of the asset defined in dict_asset and stores them in dict_asset.

  • settings (dict) – Contains simulation settings from simulation_settings.csv with additional information like the amount of time steps simulated in the optimization (‘periods’).

  • bus_data (dict) –

    Contains information about all busses in a nested dict. 1st level keys: bus names; 2nd level keys:

    ’scalars’: (pd.Series) (does not exist in all dicts) ‘sequences’: (pd.DataFrame) - contains flows between components and busses

  • dict_asset (dict) – Contains information about the asset.

  • asset_group (str) – Asset group to which the evaluated asset belongs


Return type

Indirectly updates dict_asset with results.


Adds state of charge timeseries and average value of the timeseries to the storage dict.


dict_asset (dict) – Dict of the asset, specifically including the STORAGE_CAPACITY


Return type

Updated dict_asset


Tested with: - E1.test_get_state_of_charge_info()

multi_vector_simulator.E1_process_results.get_storage_results(settings, storage_bus, dict_asset)

Reads storage results of simulation and stores them in dict_asset.

  • settings (dict) – Contains simulation settings from simulation_settings.csv with additional information like the amount of time steps simulated in the optimization (‘periods’).

  • storage_bus (dict) – Contains information about the storage bus. Information about the scalars like investment or initial capacity in key ‘scalars’ (pd.Series) and the flows between the component and the busses in key ‘sequences’ (pd.DataFrame).

  • dict_asset (dict) – Contains information about the storage like capacity, charging power, etc.


  • Indirectly updates dict_asset with simulation results concerning the

  • storage.

multi_vector_simulator.E1_process_results.get_timeseries_per_bus(dict_values, bus_data)

Reads simulation results of all busses and stores time series.

  • dict_values (dict) – Contains all input data of the simulation.

  • bus_data (dict Contains information about all busses in a nested dict.) –

    1st level keys: bus names; 2nd level keys:

    ’scalars’: (pd.Series) (does not exist in all dicts) ‘sequences’: (pd.DataFrame) - contains flows between components and busses


Tested with: - test_get_timeseries_per_bus_two_timeseries_for_directly_connected_storage()

#Todo: This is a duplicate of the E1.get_flow() assertions, and thus E1.cut_below_micro is applied twice for each flow. This should rather be merged into the other functions.


Return type

Indirectly updated dict_values with ‘optimizedFlows’ - one data frame for each bus.

multi_vector_simulator.E1_process_results.get_tuple_for_oemof_results(asset_label, asset_group, bus)

Determines the tuple with which to access the oemof-solph results

The order of the parameters in the tuple depends on the direction of the flow. If the asset is defined… a) …by its influx from a bus, the bus has to be named first in the touple b) …by its outflux into a bus, the asset has to be named first in the touple

  • asset_label (str) – Name of the asset

  • asset_group (str) – Asset group the asset belongs to

  • bus (str) – Bus that is to be accessed for the asset´s information


flow_tuple – Keys to be accessed in the oemof-solph results

Return type

tuple of str


Tested with - test_get_tuple_for_oemof_results()

multi_vector_simulator.E1_process_results.get_units_of_cost_matrix_entries(dict_economic, kpi_list)

Determines the units of the costs KPI to be stored to :class: DataFrame.

  • dict_economic – Economic project data

  • kpi_list – List of cost matrix entries


unit_list – List of units for the :class: DataFrame to be created

Return type



Translates the boolean OPTIMIZE_CAP to a yes-no value for readability of auto report


optimize_cap (bool) – Setting whether asset is optimized or not


optimize – If OPTIMIZE_CAP==True: “Yes”, else “No”.

Return type



Tested with: - test_E1_process_results.test_translate_optimizeCap_from_boolean_to_yes_no()

Module E2 - Economic processing

The module processes the simulation results regarding economic parameters: - calculate lifetime expenditures based on variable energy flows - calculate lifetime investment costs - calculate present value of an asset - calculate revenue - calculate yearly cash flows of whole project for project lifetime (cash flow projection) - calculate fuel price expenditures calculate upfront investment costs - calculate operation management costs (FOM) - calculate upfront investment costs (UIC) - calculate annuity per asset - calculate annuity for the whole project - calculate net present value - calculate levelised cost of energy - calculate levelised cost of energy carriers (electricity, H2, heat)

exception multi_vector_simulator.E2_economics.MissingParametersForEconomicEvaluation

Warning if one or more parameters are missing for economic post-processing of an asset

multi_vector_simulator.E2_economics.all_list_in_dict(dict_asset, list)

Checks if all items of a list are withing the keys of a dictionary

  • dict_asset (dict) – Dict with the keys to be evaluated

  • list (list) – List of keys (parameter in strings) that should be in dict


boolean – True: All items in keys of the dict False: At least one item is not in keys of the dict

Return type


multi_vector_simulator.E2_economics.calculate_costs_replacement(specific_replacement_of_initial_capacity, specific_replacement_of_optimized_capacity, initial_capacity, optimized_capacity)

Calculate (the present value of) the replacement costs over the project lifetime

  • specific_replacement_of_initial_capacity (float) – Per-unit replacement costs of an asset that was pre-existing at the location

  • specific_replacement_of_optimized_capacity (float) – Per-unit replacement costs of an asset that is to be installed

  • initial_capacity (float) – Initial capacity installed

  • optimized_capacity (float) – Additional capacity to be installed, as optimized


costs_replacements – Aggregated replacement costs over the project lifetime

Return type


multi_vector_simulator.E2_economics.calculate_costs_upfront_investment(specific_cost, capacity, development_costs)

Calculate investment costs of an asset Depending on the specific_cost provided, either the total asset’s lifetime investment costs or the upfront investment costs are calculated,

  • specific_cost (float) –

    1. Specific per-unit investment costs of an asset over its lifetime, including all replacement costs

    2. Specific per-unit investment costs of an asset in year 0

  • capacity (float) – Capacity to be installed

  • development_costs (float) – Fix development costs, ie. an expense not related to the capacity that is installed. Could be planning costs of the asset.


costs_investment – a) Total investment costs of an asset over its lifetime, including all replacement costs b) Upfront investment costs in year 0

Return type


multi_vector_simulator.E2_economics.calculate_dispatch_expenditures(dispatch_price, flow, asset)

Calculate the expenditures connected to an asset due to its dispatch

  • dispatch_price (float, int or pd.Series) – Dispatch price of an asset (variable costs), ie. how much has to be paid for each unit of dispatch Raises error if type does not match a) lifetime_price_dispatch (taking into account all years of operation) b) price_dispatch (taking into account one year of operation)

  • flow (pd.Series) – Dispatch of the asset

  • asset (str) – Label of the asset


  • a) Total dispatch expenditures of an asset

  • b) Annual dispatch expenditures of an asset

multi_vector_simulator.E2_economics.calculate_operation_and_management_expenditures(specific_om_cost, installed_capacity, optimized_add_capacity)

Calculate operation and management expenditures

  • specific_om_cost (float) –

    1. specific operation and management costs per unit in year 0

    2. specific operation and management costs per unit for the whole project lifetime

  • installed_capacity (float) – Capacity installed initially

  • optimized_add_capacity (float) – Capacity installed within the optimization scenario


costs_operation_and_management – a) Operation and management expenditures in year 0 b) Total operation and management expenditures over the project lifetime

Return type


multi_vector_simulator.E2_economics.calculate_total_asset_costs_over_lifetime(costs_investment, cost_operational_expenditures)

Calculate costs of an asset over whole lifetime

  • costs_investment (float) – Investment costs over whole lifetime

  • cost_operational_expenditures (float) – Operation and management as well as dispatch expenditures over whole lifetime


total_asset_costs_over_lifetime – costs of an asset over whole lifetime, including upfront investment costs, development costs, replacement costs, operation and management expenditures, dispatch expenditures

Return type


multi_vector_simulator.E2_economics.calculate_total_capital_costs(upfront, replacement)

Calculate total capital expenditures

  • upfront (float) – Upfront investments at t=0, including development costs

  • replacement (float) – Replacement costs of pre-installed and new assets


cost_total_investment – Total capital costs

Return type


multi_vector_simulator.E2_economics.calculate_total_operational_expenditures(operation_and_management_expenditures, dispatch_expenditures)

Calculate total expenditures of an asset (operational costs)

  • operation_and_management_expenditures (float) –

    1. operation and management expenditures per annum for the installed capacity

    2. operation and management expenditures for whole project lifetime for the installed capacity

  • dispatch_expenditures (float) –

    1. dispatch expenditures per annum for the installed capacity

    2. dispatch expenditures for whole project lifetime for the installed capacity


total_operational_expenditures – a) total operational expenditures per annum for installed capacity b) total operational expenditures for whole project lifetime for installed capacity

Return type


multi_vector_simulator.E2_economics.get_costs(dict_asset, economic_data)

Calculates economic KPI of the asset handed to the function

  • dict_asset (dict) – Asset to be evaluated. Warning messages in place in case that the asset should not be evaluated.

  • economic_data (dict) – Economic data of the project


  • Updated dict_asset with following KPI





  • - COST_OM





  • Tested with

  • - test_all_cost_info_parameters_added_to_dict_asset()

  • - Test_Economic_KPI.test_benchmark_Economic_KPI_C2_E2()

multi_vector_simulator.E2_economics.lcoe_assets(dict_asset, asset_group)

Calculates the levelized cost of electricity (lcoe) of each asset. [Follow this link for information](docs/MVS_Outputs.rst)

  • dict_asset (dict) – Dictionary defining an asset

  • asset_group (str) – Defining to which asset group the asset belongs


  • Updates the asset dictionary with the calculated LCOE_ASSET.

  • Storages have four values LCOE_ASSET (One for the overall storage including all costs, and one each for the components.)


LCOE\_ASSET = \frac{A}{ E_{throughput} } \\
\textrm{If } E_{throughput} = 0, LCOE\_ASSET = 0

Module E3 - Indicator calculation

In module E3 the technical KPI are evaluated: - calculate renewable share - calculate degree of autonomy (DA) - calculate degree of net zero energy (NZE) - calculate total generation of each asset and total_internal_generation - calculate total feedin electricity equivalent - calculate energy flows between sectors - calculate degree of sector coupling - calculate onsite energy fraction (OEF) - calculate onsite energy matching (OEM)


Determines degree of autonomy and adds KPI to dict_values


dict_values (dict) – dict with all project information and results, after applying total_renewable_and_non_renewable_energy_origin and total_demand_and_excess_each_sector


  • None – updated dict_values with the degree of autonomy

  • Tested with

  • - test_add_degree_of_autonomy()


Determines degree of net zero energy (NZE) and adds KPI to dict_values.


dict_values (dict) – dict with all project information and results, after applying total_renewable_and_non_renewable_energy_origin and total_demand_and_excess_each_sector


updated dict_values with the degree of net zero energy

Return type



As for other KPI, we apply a weighting based on Electricity Equivalent.

Tested with - test_add_degree_of_net_zero_energy()


Determines the aggregated flows in between the sectors and the Degree of Sector Coupling.

Takes into account the value of different energy carriers.


dict_values (dict) – dictionary with all project inputs and results, specifically the energyConversion assets and the outputs.


  • Energy equivalent of total conversion flows

  • .. math:: – E_{conversion,eq} = sum_{i}{E_{conversion} (i) cdot w_i} with i are conversion assets


Adds levelized costs of all energy carriers and overall system to the scalar KPI.


dict_values (dict) – All simulation inputs and results



Return type

Add ATTRIBUTED_COSTS and LCOeleq for each energy carrier as well as LCOeleq for overall energy system


Tested with:
  • test_E3_indicator_calculation.test_add_levelized_cost_of_energy_carriers_one_sector()

  • test_E3_indicator_calculation.test_add_levelized_cost_of_energy_carriers_two_sectors()


Determines onsite energy fraction (OEF), i.e. self-consumption, and adds KPI to dict_values


dict_values (dict) – dict with all project information and results after applying total_renewable_and_non_renewable_energy_origin


  • None – updated dict_values with onsite energy fraction KPI

  • Tested with

  • - test_add_onsite_energy_fraction()


Determines onsite energy matching (OEM), i.e. self-sufficiency, and adds KPI to dict_values


dict_values (dict) – dict with all project information and results after applying total_renewable_and_non_renewable_energy_origin and total_demand_and_excess_each_sector and add_onsite_energy_fraction


  • None – updated dict_values with onsite energy matching KPI

  • Tested with

  • - test_add_onsite_energy_matching()


Determination of renewable share of one sector


dict_values – dict with all project information and results, after applying add_total_renewable_and_non_renewable_energy_origin


updated dict_values with renewable factor of each sector as well as system-wide indicator

Return type



Updates the KPI with RENEWABLE_FACTOR for each sector as well as system-wide KPI.

Tested with - test_renewable_factor_one_sector - test_renewable_factor_two_sectors - TestTechnicalKPI.renewable_factor_and_renewable_share_of_local_generation()


Determination of renewable share of local energy production

dict_values :

dict with all project information and results, after applying add_total_renewable_and_non_renewable_energy_origin

sector :

Sector for which renewable share is being calculated

:returns: updated dict_values with renewable share of each sector as well as the system-wide KPI
:rtype: type
.. rubric:: Notes
Updates the KPI with RENEWABLE_SHARE_OF_LOCAL_GENERATION for each sector as well as system-wide KPI.
Tested with
* test_renewable_share_of_local_generation_one_sector()
* test_renewable_share_of_local_generation_two_sectors()
* TestTechnicalKPI.renewable_factor_and_renewable_share_of_local_generation()

Calculates the specific emissions of the energy system per kWheleq and adds KPI to dict_values.


dict_values (dict) – All simulation inputs and results including TOTAL_EMISSIONS calculated in E3.calculate_emissions_from_flow.


This funtion is run after E3.calculate_emissions_from_flow.

Tested with: - E3.test_add_specific_emissions_per_electricity_equivalent()


Updated dict_values with SPECIFIC_EMISSIONS_ELEQ in kgCO2eq/kWheleq (UNIT_SPECIFIC_EMISSIONS).

Return type



Determines the total consumption from energy providers with weighting of electricity equivalent.


dict_values (dict) – dict with all project information and results



Return type



Tested with: - E3.test_add_total_consumption_from_provider_electricity_equivalent()


Calculates the total emission of the energy system in kgCO2eq/a and adds KPI to dict_values.


dict_values (dict) – All simulation inputs and results


Updated dict_values with TOTAL_EMISSIONS of the energy system in kgCO2eq/a (UNIT_EMISSIONS).

Return type



Tested with: - E3.test_add_total_emissions()


Determines the total grid feed-in with weighting of electricity equivalent.


dict_values (dict) – dict with all project information and results


  • None – updated dict_values with KPI : total feedin

  • Tested with

  • - test_add_total_feedin_electricity_equivalent()


Identifies all renewable generation assets and summs up their total generation to total renewable generation


dict_values – dict with all project input data and results up to E0


Updated dict_values with total internal/overall renewable and non-renewable energy origin

Return type



Tested with - test_total_renewable_and_non_renewable_origin_of_each_sector()


Calculate sum of all cost parameters


dict_values – dict all input parameters and results up to E0


List of all total cost parameters for the project

Return type



The totals are calculated for following parameters: - costs_total - costs_om_total - costs_investment_over_lifetime - costs_upfront_in_year_zero - costs_dispatch - costs_cost_om - annuity_total - annuity_om

The levelized_cost_of_energy_of_asset are dropped from the list, as they do not hold any actual meaning for the whole energy system. The LCOE of the energy system is calculated seperately.

multi_vector_simulator.E3_indicator_calculation.calculate_electricity_equivalent_for_a_set_of_aggregated_values(dict_values, dict_of_aggregated_flows, kpi_name)

Calculates the electricity equivalent for a dict of aggregated flows and writes it to the KPI

  • dict_values (dict) – All simulation parameters

  • dict_of_aggregated_flows (dict) – Dict of aggragated flows, with keys of energy carriers.

  • kpi_name (str) – Name of the KPI to write to the results


Return type

Updated dict_values.


Calculates the total emissions of the asset in ‘dict_asset’ in kg per year.


dict_asset (dict) – Contains information about the asset.


Tested with: - E3.test_calculate_emissions_from_flow() - E3.test_calculate_emissions_from_flow_zero_emissions


Updated dict_asset with TOTAL_EMISSIONS of the asset in kgCO2eq/a (UNIT_EMISSIONS).

Return type


multi_vector_simulator.E3_indicator_calculation.equation_degree_of_autonomy(total_consumption_from_energy_provider, total_demand)

Calculates the degree of autonomy (DA).

The degree of autonomy describes the relation of how much demand is supplied by local generation (as opposed to grid conumption) compared to the total demand of the system.

  • total_consumption_from_energy_provider (float) – total energy consumption from providers

  • total_demand (float) – total demand


  • float – degree of autonomy

  • .. math:: – DA &=frac{sum_i {E_{demand} (i) cdot w_i} - sum_{i} {E_{consumption,provider,j} (j) cdot w_j}}{sum_i {E_{demand} (i) cdot w_i}}

  • A DA = 0 (Demand is fully supplied by DSO consumption)

  • DA = 1 (System is autonomous, ie. no DSO consumption is necessary)

  • Notice (As above, we apply a weighting based on Electricity Equivalent.)

  • Tested with

  • - test_equation_degree_of_autonomy()

multi_vector_simulator.E3_indicator_calculation.equation_degree_of_net_zero_energy(total_feedin, total_grid_consumption, total_demand)

Calculates the degree of net zero energy (NZE).

In NZE systems import and export of energy is allowed while the balance over one year should be zero, thus the degree of net zero energy would be 1. The Degree of net zero energy indicates how close the system gets to the NZE ideal. If more energy is exported than imported it is plus-energy system (degree of NZE > 1).

  • total_feedin (float) – total grid feed-in in electricity equivalents

  • total_grid_consumption (float) – total consumption from energy provider in electricity equivalents

  • total_demand (float) – total demand in electricity equivalents


degree of net zero energy

Return type



Degree of NZE &= 1 + \frac{(\sum_{i} {E_{grid feedin}(i)} \cdot w_i - E_{grid consumption} (i) \cdot w_i)}{\sum_i {E_{demand, i} \cdot w_i}}

Degree of NZE = 1 : System is a net zero energy system, as E_feedin = E_grid_consumption Degree of NZE > 1 : system is a plus-energy system, as E_feedin > E_grid_consumption Degree of NZE < 1 : system does not reach net zero balance. The degree indicates by how much it fails to do so. Degree of NZE = 0 : system has no internal production, as E_dem = E_grid_consumption.

Tested with - test_equation_degree_of_net_zero_energy() - test_equation_degree_of_net_zero_energy_is_zero() - test_equation_degree_of_net_zero_energy_is_one() - test_equation_degree_of_net_zero_energy_greater_one()

multi_vector_simulator.E3_indicator_calculation.equation_degree_of_sector_coupling(total_flow_of_energy_conversion_equivalent, total_demand_equivalent)

Calculates degree of sector coupling.

  • total_flow_of_energy_conversion_equivalent (float) – Energy equivalent of total conversion flows

  • total_demand_equivalent (float) – Energy equivalent of total energy demand


  • float – Degree of sector coupling based on conversion flows and energy demands in electricity equivalent.

  • .. math::

    DSC=frac{sum_{i,j}{E_{conversion} (i,j) cdot w_i}}{sum_i {E_{demand} (i) cdot w_i}}

    with i,j epsilon [Electricity,H2…]

multi_vector_simulator.E3_indicator_calculation.equation_levelized_cost_of_energy_carrier(cost_total, crf, total_flow_energy_carrier_eleq, total_demand_electricity_equivalent, total_flow_energy_carrier)

Calculates LCOE of each energy carrier of the system.

Based on distributing the NPC of the energy system over the total weighted energy demand of the local energy system. This avoids that a conversion asset has to be defined as being used for a specific sector only, or that an energy production asset (eg. electricity) which is mainly used for powering energy conversion assets for another energy carrier (eg. H2) are increasing the costs of the first energy carrier (electricity), eventhough the costs should be attributed to the costs of the end-use of generation.

  • cost_total (float) –

  • crf (float) –

  • total_flow_energy_carrier_eleq (float) –

  • total_demand_electricity_equivalent (float) –

  • total_flow_energy_carrier (float) –


  • lcoe_energy_carrier (float) – Levelized costs of an energy carrier in a sector coupled system

  • attributed_costs (float) – Costs attributed to a specific energy carrier


Please refer to the conference paper presented at the CIRED Workshop Berlin (see readthedocs) for more detail.

The costs attributed to an energy carrier are calculated from the ratio of electricity equivalent of the energy carrier demand in focus to the electricity equivalent of the total demand:

attributed costs = NPC \cdot \frac{Total electricity equivalent of energy carrier demand}{Total electricity equivalent of demand}

The LCOE sets these attributed costs in relation to the energy carrier demand (in its original unit):

LCOE energy carrier = \frac{attributed costs \cdot CRF}{total energy carrier demand}

Tested with: - test_equation_levelized_cost_of_energy_carrier_total_demand_electricity_equivalent_larger_0_total_flow_energy_carrier_larger_0() - test_equation_levelized_cost_of_energy_carrier_total_demand_electricity_equivalent_larger_0_total_flow_energy_carrier_is_0() - test_equation_levelized_cost_of_energy_carrier_total_demand_electricity_equivalent_is_0_total_flow_energy_carrier_is_0()

multi_vector_simulator.E3_indicator_calculation.equation_onsite_energy_fraction(total_generation, total_feedin)

Calculates onsite energy fraction (OEF), i.e. self-consumption.

OEF describes the fraction of all locally generated energy that is consumed by the system itself.

  • total_generation (float) – Energy equivalent of total generation flows

  • total_feedin (float) – Total feed into the grid


  • float – Onsite energy fraction.

  • .. math:: – OEF &=frac{sum_{i} {E_{generation} (i) cdot w_i} - E_{gridfeedin}(i) cdot w_i}{sum_{i} {E_{generation} (i) cdot w_i}} &OEF epsilon text{[0,1]}

  • Tested with

  • - test_equation_onsite_energy_fraction()

multi_vector_simulator.E3_indicator_calculation.equation_onsite_energy_matching(total_generation, total_feedin, total_excess, total_demand)

Calculates onsite energy matching (OEM), i.e. self-sufficiency.

OEM describes the fraction of the total demand that can be covered by the locally generated energy.

  • total_generation (float) – Energy equivalent of total conversion flows

  • total_feedin (float) – Total feed into the grid

  • total_excess (float) – Total Excess energy

  • total_demand (float) – Total demand


  • Onsite energy matching.

  • .. math:: – OEM &=frac{sum_{i} {E_{generation} (i) cdot w_i} - E_{gridfeedin}(i) cdot w_i - E_{excess}(i) cdot w_i}{sum_i {E_{demand} (i) cdot w_i}}

    &OEM epsilon text{[0,1]}

  • Tested with

  • - test_equation_onsite_energy_matching()

multi_vector_simulator.E3_indicator_calculation.equation_renewable_share(total_res, total_non_res)

Calculates the renewable share

  • total_res – Renewable generation of a system

  • total_non_res – Non-renewable generation of a system


Renewable share

Return type





RES = \frac{total_res}{total_non_res + total_res}

The renewable share is relative to generation, but not consumption of energy, the renewable share can not be larger 1. If there is no generation or consumption from a DSO within an energyVector and supply is solely reached by energy conversion from another vector, the renewable share is defined to be zero.

  • renewable share = 1 - all energy in the energy system is of renewable origin

  • renewable share < 1 - part of the energy in the system is of renewable origin

  • renewable share = 0 - no energy is of renewable origin

Tested with:

  • test_renewable_share_equation_no_generation()

  • test_renewable_share_equation_below_1()

  • test_renewable_share_equation_is_0()

  • test_renewable_share_equation_is_1()


Calculation of the total demand and total excess of each sector

Both in original energy carrier unit and electricity equivalent


dict_values – dict with all project input data and results up to E0


  • Updated KPI_SCALARS_DICT with

  • - total demand of each energy carrier (original unit)

  • - total demand of each energy carrier (electricity equivalent)

  • - total demand in electricity equivalent

  • - total excess of each energy carrier (original unit)

  • - total excess of each energy carrier (electricity equivalent)

  • - total excess in electricity equivalent


Tested with - test_add_levelized_cost_of_energy_carriers_one_sector() - test_add_levelized_cost_of_energy_carriers_two_sectors() - TestTechnicalKPI.renewable_factor_and_renewable_share_of_local_generation()

multi_vector_simulator.E3_indicator_calculation.weighting_for_sector_coupled_kpi(dict_values, kpi_name)

Calculates the weighted kpi for a specific kpi_name both for a single sector and system-wide

  • dict_values – dict with all project information and results, including KPI_UNCOUPLED_DICT with the specifc kpi_name in question

  • kpi_name – str with the kpi which should be weighted


Append specific KPI that describes sector-coupled system to dict_values[KPI][KPI_SCALARS_DICT] Appends specific KPI in energy equivalent to each sector to dict_values[KPI][KPI_UNCOUPLED_DICT]

Return type


Module E4 - Verification of results

  • Detect excessive excess generation

  • Verify that minimal renewable share constraint is adhered to

  • Verfiy that maximum emission constraint is adhered to

  • Verfiy that net zero energy (NZE) constraint is adhered to


Warning for any bus with excessive excess generation is given.

A logging.warning message is printed when the ratio between total outflows and total inflows of a bus is < 0.9.




  • - Nothing if the there is no excessive excess generation

  • - Prints logging.warning message for every bus with excessive excess generation.


Tests if maximum emissions constraint was correctly applied.


dict_values (dict) – all input parameters and results up to E0


  • Nothing

  • - Nothing if the constraint is confirmed

  • - Prints logging.warning message if the difference from the constraint is < 10^-6.

  • - Prints a logging.error message if the difference from the constraint is >= 10^-6.


Tested with: - E4.test_maximum_emissions_test_passes() - E4.test_maximum_emissions_test_fails()

multi_vector_simulator.E4_verification.minimal_constraint_test(dict_values, minimal_constraint, bounded_result)

Test if minimal constraint was correctly applied

  • dict_values (dict) – Dict of all simulation information

  • minimal_constraint (str) – Key to access the value of the minimal bound of parameter subjected to constraint to be tested

  • bounded_result (str) – Key to access the value of the resulting parameter to be compared to minimal_bound


  • Nothing

  • - Nothing if the constraint is confirmed

  • - Prints logging.warning message if the deviation from the constraint is < 10^-6.

  • - Prints a logging.error message if the deviation from the constraint is >= 10^-6.



Tested with: - E4.test_minimal_constraint_test_passes() - E4.test_minimal_constraint_test_fails()


Tests if net zero energy constraint was correctly applied.


dict_values (dict) – all input parameters and results up to E0


  • Nothing

  • - Nothing if the constraint is confirmed

  • - Prints logging.warning message if the difference from the constraint is < 10^-6.

  • - Prints a logging.error message if the difference from the constraint is >= 10^-6.


Tested with: - E4.test_net_zero_energy_constraint_test_fails() - E4.test_net_zero_energy_constraint_test_passes()


This function checks the state of charge of each storage component It raises warning log messages if the SoC has a physically infeasible value


dict_values (dict) – Dictionary with all information regarding the simulation, specifically including the energyStorage assets


  • - Nothing if there are no physically infeasible SoC values for the storage components

  • - Prints log messages to console and log file if there are physically impossible SoC values


Tested with: - test_E4_verification.test_verify_state_of_charge_feasible() - test_E4_verification.test_verify_state_of_charge_soc_below_zero() - test_E4_verification.test_verify_state_of_charge_soc_above_zero()


Module F0 - Output

The model F0 output defines all functions that store evaluation results to file. - Aggregate demand profiles to a total demand profile - Plot all energy flows for both 14 and 365 days for each energy bus - Store timeseries of all energy flows to excel (one sheet = one energy bus) - Execute function: plot optimised capacities as a barchart (F1) - Execute function: plot all annuities as a barchart (F1) - Store scalars/KPI to excel - Process dictionary so that it can be stored to Json - Store dictionary to Json

multi_vector_simulator.F0_output.evaluate_dict(dict_values, path_pdf_report=None, path_png_figs=None)

This is the main function of F0. It calls all functions that prepare the simulation output, ie. Storing all simulation output into excellent files, bar charts, and graphs.

  • dict_values – dict Of all input and output parameters up to F0

  • path_pdf_report ((str)) – if provided, generate a pdf report of the simulation to the given path

  • path_png_figs ((str)) – if provided, generate png figures of the simulation’s results to the given path



Return type


multi_vector_simulator.F0_output.parse_simulation_log(path_log_file, dict_values)

Gather a log file with several log messages, this function gathers them all and inputs them into the dict with all input and output parameters up to F0

  • path_log_file (str/None) – path to the mvs log file Default: None

  • dict_values – dict Of all input and output parameters up to F0


Return type

Updates the results dictionary with the log messages of the simulation

multi_vector_simulator.F0_output.store_as_json(dict_values, output_folder=None, file_name=None)

Converts dict_values to JSON format and saves dict_values as a JSON file or return json

  • dict_values ((dict)) – dict to be stored as json

  • output_folder ((path)) – Folder into which json should be stored Default None

  • file_name ((str)) – Name of the file the json should be stored as Default None


  • If file_name is provided, the json variable converted from the dict_values is saved under

  • this file_name, otherwise the json variable is returned


All output data that is a scalar is storage to an excellent file tab. This could for example be economical data or technical data.


dict_values – dict Of all input and output parameters up to F0


Excel file with scalar data

Return type



This function plots the energy flows of each single bus and the energy system and saves it as PNG and additionally as a tab and an Excel sheet.


dict_values – dict Of all input and output parameters up to F0


Plots and excel with all timeseries of each bus

Return type


Module F1 - Plotting

Module F1 describes all the functions that create plots.

  • creating graphs for energy flows

  • creating bar chart for capacity

  • creating pie chart for cost data

  • creating network graph for the model brackets only working on Ubuntu

class multi_vector_simulator.F1_plotting.ESGraphRenderer(energy_system=None, filepath='network', img_format=None, legend=True, txt_width=10, txt_fontsize=10, **kwargs)
add_bus(label='Bus', subgraph=None)
add_component(label='component', subgraph=None)
add_sink(label='Sink', subgraph=None)
add_source(label='Source', subgraph=None)
add_storage(label='Storage', subgraph=None)
add_transformer(label='Transformer', subgraph=None)
connect(a, b)

Draw an arrow from node a to node b

  • a ( – An oemof node (usually a Bus or a Component)

  • b ( – An oemof node (usually a Bus or a Component)


Call the render method of the DiGraph instance


Call the view method of the DiGraph instance

multi_vector_simulator.F1_plotting.convert_plot_data_to_dataframe(plot_data_dict, data_type)
  • plot_data_dict (dict) – timeseries for either demand or supply

  • data_type (str) – one of DEMANDS or RESOURCES


df – timeseries for plotting

Return type


multi_vector_simulator.F1_plotting.create_plotly_barplot_fig(x_data, y_data, plot_title=None, trace_name='', legends=None, x_axis_name=None, y_axis_name=None, file_name='barplot.png', file_path=None)

Create figure for specific capacities barplot

  • x_data (list, or pandas series) – The list of abscissas of the data required for plotting.

  • y_data (list, or pandas series, or list of lists) – The list of ordinates of the data required for plotting.

  • plot_title (str) – The title of the plot generated. Default: None

  • trace_name (str) – Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover. Default: “”

  • legends (list, or pandas series) – The list of the text written within the bars and on hover below the trace_name Default: None

  • x_axis_name (str) – Default: None

  • y_axis_name (str) – Default: None

  • file_name (str) – Name of the image file. Default: “barplot.png”

  • file_path (str) – Path where the image shall be saved if not None


fig – figure object

Return type


multi_vector_simulator.F1_plotting.create_plotly_flow_fig(df_plots_data, x_legend=None, y_legend=None, plot_title=None, color_list=None, file_name='flows.png', file_path=None)

Generate figure of an asset’s flow.

  • df_plots_data (pandas.DataFrame) – dataFrame with timeseries of the asset’s energy flow

  • x_legend (str) – Default: None

  • y_legend (str) – Default: None

  • plot_title (str) – Default: None

  • color_list (list of str or list to tuple (hexadecimal or rbg code)) – list of colors Default: None

  • file_name (str) – Name of the image file. Default: “flows.png”

  • file_path (str) – Path where the image shall be saved if not None Default: None


fig – figure object

Return type


multi_vector_simulator.F1_plotting.create_plotly_line_fig(x_data, y_data, plot_title=None, x_axis_name=None, y_axis_name=None, color_for_plot='#0A2342', file_path=None)

Create figure for generic timeseries lineplots

  • x_data (list, or pandas series) – The list of abscissas of the data required for plotting.

  • y_data (list, or pandas series, or list of lists) – The list of ordinates of the data required for plotting.

  • plot_title (str) – The title of the plot generated. Default: None

  • x_axis_name (str) – Default: None

  • y_axis_name (str) – Default: None

  • file_path (str) – Path where the image shall be saved if not None


figure object

Return type

fig plotly.graph_objs.Figure

multi_vector_simulator.F1_plotting.create_plotly_piechart_fig(title_of_plot, names, values, color_scheme=None, file_name='costs.png', file_path=None)

Generate figure with piechart plot.

  • title_of_plot (str) – title of the figure

  • names (list) – List containing the labels of the slices in the pie plot.

  • values (list) – List containing the values of the labels to be plotted in the pie plot.

  • color_scheme (instance of the px.colors class of the Plotly express library) – This parameter holds the color scheme which is palette of colors (list of hex values) to be applied to the pie plot to be created. Default: None

  • file_name (str) – Name of the image file. Default: “costs.png”

  • file_path (str) – Path where the image shall be saved if not None Default: None


fig – figure object

Return type


multi_vector_simulator.F1_plotting.extract_plot_data_and_title(dict_values, df_dem=None)

Dataframe used for the plots of demands and resources timeseries in the report

  • dict_values (dict) – output values of MVS

  • df_dem (pandas.DataFrame) – summarized demand information for each demand


Return type


multi_vector_simulator.F1_plotting.fixed_width_text(text, char_num=10)

Add linebreaks every char_num characters in a given text.

  • text (obj:'str') – text to apply the linebreaks

  • char_num (obj:'int') – max number of characters in a line before a line break Default: 10


obj – the text with line breaks after every char_num characters

Return type


multi_vector_simulator.F1_plotting.get_color(idx_line, color_list=None)

Pick a color within a color list with periodic boundary conditions

  • idx_line (int) – index of the line in a plot for which a color is required

  • colors (list of str or list to tuple (hexadecimal or rbg code)) – list of colors Default: None


Return type

The color in the color list corresponding to the index modulo the color list length

multi_vector_simulator.F1_plotting.plot_instant_power(dict_values, file_path=None)

Plotting timeseries of instantaneous power for each assets within the energy system

  • dict_values (dict) – all simulation input and output data up to this point

  • file_path (str) – Path where the image shall be saved if not None Default: None


multi_plots – Dict with html DOM id for the figure as keys and plotly.graph_objs.Figure as values

Return type


multi_vector_simulator.F1_plotting.plot_optimized_capacities(dict_values, file_path=None)

Plot capacities as a bar chart.

  • dict_values – dict Of all input and output parameters up to F0

  • file_path (str) – Path where the image shall be saved if not None Default: None


Return type

Dict with html DOM id for the figure as key and plotly.graph_objs.Figure as value

multi_vector_simulator.F1_plotting.plot_piecharts_of_costs(dict_values, file_path=None)

Plotting piecharts of different cost parameters (ie. annuity, total cost, etc…)

  • dict_values (dict) – all simulation input and output data up to this point

  • file_path (str) – Path where the image shall be saved if not None Default: None


pie_plots – Dict with html DOM id for the figure as keys and plotly.graph_objs.Figure as values

Return type


multi_vector_simulator.F1_plotting.plot_timeseries(dict_values, data_type='demands', sector_demands=None, max_days=None, color_list=None, file_path=None)

Plot timeseries as line chart.

  • dict_values – dict Of all input and output parameters up to F0

  • data_type (str) – one of DEMANDS or RESOURCES Default: DEMANDS

  • sector_demands (str) – Name of the sector of the energy system Default: None

  • max_days (int) – maximal number of days the timeseries should be displayed for

  • color_list (list of str or list to tuple (hexadecimal or rbg code)) – list of colors Default: None

  • file_path (str) – Path where the image shall be saved if not None Default: None


Return type

Dict with html DOM id for the figure as key and plotly.graph_objs.Figure as value

multi_vector_simulator.F1_plotting.save_plots_to_disk(fig_obj, file_name, file_path='', width=None, height=None, scale=None)

This function saves the plots generated using the Plotly library in this module to the outputs folder.

  • fig_obj (instance of the classes of the Plotly go library used to generate the plots in this auto-report) – Figure object of the plotly plots

  • file_name (str) – The name of the PNG image of the plot to be saved in the output folder.

  • file_path (str) – Path where the image shall be saved

  • width (int or float) – The width of the picture to be saved in pixels. Default: None

  • height (int or float) – The height of the picture to be saved in pixels. Default: None

  • scale (int or float) – The scale by which the plotly image ought to be multiplied. Default: None


Return type

Nothing is returned. This function call results in the plots being saved as .png images to the disk.

Module F2 - Autoreport

This script generates a report of the simulation automatically, with all the important data.

multi_vector_simulator.F2_autoreport.create_app(results_json, path_sim_output=None)

Initializes the app and calls all the other functions, resulting in the web app as well as pdf.

This function specifies the layout of the web app, loads the external styling sheets, prepares the necessary data from the json results file, calls all the helper functions on the data, resulting in the auto-report.

  • results_json (json results file) – This file is the result of the simulation and contains all the data necessary to generate the auto-report.

  • path_sim_output (str) – Path to the mvs simulation’s output files’ folder Default: output path saved in the result_json


app – This app holds together all the html elements wrapped in Python, necessary for the rendering of the auto-report.

Return type

instance of the Dash class within the dash library

multi_vector_simulator.F2_autoreport.create_demands_section(output_JSON_file, sectors=None)

This function creates a HTML Div element that holds an entire section with either the demands or the resources

  • output_JSON_file (dict) – Dict with all simulation parameters

  • sectors (list) – List holding the names of sectors of the energy system as strings Default: None


Return type

Function call to insert_subsection() that generates the demands section of the autoreport


Encode image files to load them in the dash layout under img html tag


img_path (str) – path to the image file


encoded_img – encoded bytes of the image file

Return type



This function is for rendering blocks of text within the sub-sections.


body_of_text (str) – Typically a single-line or paragraph of text.


A html element that renders the paragraph of text in the Dash app layout.

Return type



This function is for creating the headings such as information, input data, etc.


heading_text (str) – Big headings for several sub-sections.


A html element with the heading text encased container.

Return type



This function inserts logging messages that arise during the simulation, such as warnings and error messages, into the auto-report.


log_dict (dict) – A dictionary containing the logging messages collected during the simulation.


This html element holds the children html elements that produce the lists of warnings and error messages for both print and screen versions of the auto-report.

Return type


multi_vector_simulator.F2_autoreport.insert_plotly_figure(fig, id_plot=None, print_only=False)

Insert a plotly figure in a dash app layout

  • fig (plotly.graph_objs.Figure) – figure object

  • id_plot (str) – Id of the graph. Should be unique. Default: None

  • print_only (bool) – Used to determine if a web version of the plot is to be generated or not. Default: False


Html Div component containing an image for the print-only version and a plotly figure for the online (no-print) app (in the app the user can interact with plotly figure, whereas the image is static).

Return type


multi_vector_simulator.F2_autoreport.insert_subsection(title, content, **kwargs)

Inserts sub-sections within the Dash app layout, such as Input data, simulation results, etc.

  • title (str) – This is the title or heading of the subsection.

  • content (list) – This is typically a list of html elements or function calls returning html elements, that make up the body of the sub-section.

  • kwargs (Any possible optional arguments such as styles, etc.) –


This returns the sub-section of the report including the tile and other information within the sub-section.

Return type


multi_vector_simulator.F2_autoreport.make_dash_data_table(df, title=None)

Function that creates a Dash DataTable from a Pandas dataframe.

  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – This dataframe holds the data from which the dash table is to be created.

  • title (str) – An optional title for the table. Default: None


This element contains the title of the dash table and the dash table itself encased in a child html.Div() element.

Return type


multi_vector_simulator.F2_autoreport.open_in_browser(app, timeout=600)

Runs the dash app in a thread an open a browser window

  • app (instance of the Dash class, part of the dash library) –

  • timeout (int or float) – Specifies the number of seconds that the web app should be open in the browser before timing out.


Return type

Nothing, but the web app version of the auto-report is displayed in a browser.

multi_vector_simulator.F2_autoreport.print_pdf(app=None, path_pdf_report='/home/docs/checkouts/')

Runs the dash app in a thread and print a pdf before exiting

  • app (instance of the Dash class of the dash library) – Default: None

  • path_pdf_report (str) – Path where the pdf report should be saved.


Return type

None, but saves a pdf printout of the provided app under the provided path

multi_vector_simulator.F2_autoreport.ready_capacities_plots(dict_values, only_print=False)

Insert the capacities bar plots in a dash html layout

  • dict_values (dict) – Dict with all simulation parameters

  • only_print (bool) – Setting this value true results in the function creating only the plot for the PDF report, but not the web app version of the auto-report. Default: False


cap_plots – List containing the capacities bar plots dash components

Return type


multi_vector_simulator.F2_autoreport.ready_costs_pie_plots(dict_values, only_print=False)

Insert the pie plots in a dash html layout

  • dict_values (dict) – Dict with all simulation parameters

  • only_print (bool) – Setting this value true results in the function creating only the plot for the PDF report, but not the web app version of the auto-report. Default: False


pie_plots – List containing the cost pie plots dash components

Return type


multi_vector_simulator.F2_autoreport.ready_flows_plots(dict_values, only_print=False)

Generate figure for each assets’ flow of the energy system.

  • dict_values (dict) – Dict with all simulation parameters

  • only_print (bool) – Setting this value true results in the function creating only the plot for the PDF report, but not the web app version of the auto-report. Default: False


multi_plots – List containing the assets’ timeseries plots as dash components

Return type


multi_vector_simulator.F2_autoreport.ready_timeseries_plots(dict_values, data_type='demands', only_print=False, sector_demands=None)

Insert the timeseries line plots in a dash html layout.

  • dict_values (dict) – Dict with all simulation parameters

  • data_type (str) – one of DEMANDS or RESOURCES Default: DEMANDS

  • only_print (bool) – Setting this value true results in the function creating only the plot for the PDF report, but not the web app version of the auto-report. Default: False

  • sector_demands (str) – Name of the sector of the energy system Default: None


plots – List containing the timeseries line plots dash components

Return type
